What's changed since the last time we discussed these issues, about 7
months ago?  Or, another way to formulate the question: What are the
threshold criteria that we should use to decide when to end Scala 2.10
and/or Java 7 support?

On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 8:36 AM, Sean Owen <so...@cloudera.com> wrote:

> I'd like to gauge where people stand on the issue of dropping support for
> a few things that were considered for 2.0.
> First: Scala 2.10. We've seen a number of build breakages this week
> because the PR builder only tests 2.11. No big deal at this stage, but, it
> did cause me to wonder whether it's time to plan to drop 2.10 support,
> especially with 2.12 coming soon.
> Next, Java 7. It's reasonably old and out of public updates at this stage.
> It's not that painful to keep supporting, to be honest. It would simplify
> some bits of code, some scripts, some testing.
> Hadoop versions: I think the the general argument is that most anyone
> would be using, at the least, 2.6, and it would simplify some code that has
> to reflect to use not-even-that-new APIs. It would remove some moderate
> complexity in the build.
> "When" is a tricky question. Although it's a little aggressive for minor
> releases, I think these will all happen before 3.x regardless. 2.1.0 is not
> out of the question, though coming soon. What about ... 2.2.0?
> Although I tend to favor dropping support, I'm mostly asking for current
> opinions.

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