It'd probably be worth no longer marking the 0.8 interface as
experimental.  I don't think it's likely to be subject to active
development at this point.

You can use the 0.8 artifact to consume from a 0.9 broker

Where are you reading documentation indicating that the direct stream
only runs on the driver?  It runs consumers on the worker nodes.

On Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 10:58 AM, aakash aakash <> wrote:
> Re-posting it at dev group.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Aakash
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: aakash aakash <>
> Date: Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 4:10 PM
> Subject: using Spark Streaming with Kafka 0.9/0.10
> To:
> Hi,
> I am planning to use Spark Streaming to consume messages from Kafka 0.9. I
> have couple of questions regarding this :
> I see APIs are annotated with @Experimental. So can you please tell me when
> are we planning to make it production ready ?
> Currently, I see we are using Kafka 0.10 and so curious to know why not we
> started with 0.9 Kafka instead of 0.10 Kafka. As I see 0.10 kafka client
> would not be compatible with 0.9 client since there are some changes in
> arguments in consumer API.
> Current API extends InputDstream and as per document it means RDD will be
> generated by running a service/thread only on the driver node instead of
> worker node. Can you please explain to me why we are doing this and what is
> required to make sure that it runs on worker node.
> Thanks in advance !
> Regards,
> Aakash

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