I'm all for making releases more often if we want. But this work could
really use a target release to motivate getting it done. If we agree that
it will block a release, then everyone is motivated to review and get the
PRs in.

If this work doesn't make it in the 3.0 release, I'm not confident that it
will get done. Maybe we can have a release shortly after, but the timeline
for these features -- that many of us need -- is nearly creeping into
years. That's when alternatives start looking more likely to deliver. I'd
rather see this work get in so we don't have to consider those
alternatives, which is why I think this commitment is a good idea.

I also would like to see multi-catalog support, but that is more reasonable
to put off for a follow-up feature release, maybe 3.1.

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 1:45 PM Matei Zaharia <matei.zaha...@gmail.com>

> How large would the delay be? My 2 cents are that there’s nothing stopping
> us from making feature releases more often if we want to, so we shouldn’t
> see this as an “either delay 3.0 or release in >6 months” decision. If the
> work is likely to get in with a small delay and simplifies our work after
> 3.0 (e.g. we can get rid of older APIs), then the delay may be worth it.
> But if it would be a large delay, we should also weigh it against other
> things that are going to get delayed if 3.0 moves much later.
> It might also be better to propose a specific date to delay until, so
> people can still plan around when the release branch will likely be cut.
> Matei
> > On Feb 21, 2019, at 1:03 PM, Ryan Blue <rb...@netflix.com.INVALID>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > In the DSv2 sync last night, we had a discussion about roadmap and what
> the goal should be for getting the main features into Spark. We all agreed
> that 3.0 should be that goal, even if it means delaying the 3.0 release.
> >
> > The possibility of delaying the 3.0 release may be controversial, so I
> want to bring it up to the dev list to build consensus around it. The
> rationale for this is partly that much of this work has been outstanding
> for more than a year now. If it doesn't make it into 3.0, then it would be
> another 6 months before it would be in a release, and would be nearing 2
> years to get the work done.
> >
> > Are there any objections to targeting 3.0 for this?
> >
> > In addition, much of the planning for multi-catalog support has been
> done to make v2 possible. Do we also want to include multi-catalog support?
> >
> >
> > rb
> >
> > --
> > Ryan Blue
> > Software Engineer
> > Netflix

Ryan Blue
Software Engineer

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