On 08/31/12 07:20 PM, Jim Jagielski wrote:
On Aug 30, 2012, at 8:00 PM, C. Bergström<cbergst...@pathscale.com>  wrote:
While STDCXX is at Apache it will never be BSD licensed.  Solution - move it 
away from Apache foundation and have them transfer some of the additional 
rights they received to allow recipient foundation to relicense.  I thought 
this would be a win for the project and everyone, but for some reason instead 
of opening a discussion to transfer - it's just death grip and pushing to the 
What is wrong with ALv2?
Armchair lawyer discussion on this will never end and I'll try to keep this brief..

Apache lawyer views, our lawyer views, your views.. etc (not the problem here)

FSF views which probably have some weight across the open source community is summed up with this.. "Despite our best efforts, the FSF has never considered the Apache License to be compatible with GPL version 2"

That view seems to have been accepted by the FBSD community - The effect is that the large amount of GPLv2 code in ports/elsewhere can't take advantage of STDCXX due to it's license. Please note I'm not arguing if this is "correct", but just the feedback I've gotten. I'm not interested to fight that.

Open source works like this in my experience : people use it, they love it and they contribute back. To get users we need to solve problems for larger communities - Make sense?

Can you help clear this roadblock, yes or no?

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