Yes we too have similar tests based on internal Yahoo testing.  Really it comes 
down to a few operations that the test framework needs to be able to do 1) 
node/VM allocation 2) deployment 3) modify configuration/processes on running 
nodes 4) run actual tests.
The first three are often specific to the setup.  Is it open stack?  Amazon 
EC2?  Are we using ssh to go between nodes, or is it something else?  All of 
this is something that we should be able to accomplish with an abstraction 
layer.  ducktape appears to have a fairly decent abstraction layer for the 
first even allowing for a static JSON config for the hosts.  The only other 
requirement seems to be ssh access between the nodes so it can run various 
python scripts.  As we are developing these tests we probably want to be sure 
that we have a pluggable abstraction for the other layers as well.  That way if 
I am using RPMs and Chef to do a deployment and be sure my RPM packaging is 
correct I can do that, and if someone else just wants to take the TGZ and scp 
it everywhere that works too.
I also hope that we can limit the score of these tests.  The current Yahoo 
integration tests take several hours to run because we are constantly trying to 
reconfigure the cluster to test different setups.  Ideally we can test failure 
scenarios and basic integration with other tools, but anything that can be done 
on a LocalCluster should probably be tested there, to reduce the total running 
time and debugging complexity.
- Bobby

     On Thursday, November 5, 2015 10:51 PM, Harsha <> wrote:

 Thanks Longda. Can you update this JIRA with list of tests cases that
you  are running in this JIRA

On Thu, Nov 5, 2015, at 08:32 PM, 封仲淹(纪君祥LongdaFeng) wrote:
> +1
> By the way, Tong(王桐) can work for this. Tong is responsible for the
> automatically daily JStorm test, the only problem is that the
> automatically daily JStorm test is basing on Alibaba testing framework.
> Some of the components can't run on outside.
> But we can share the test cases firstly. Then we will try to port the old
> test cases to the storm tests.
> regardsLongda
> ------------------------------------------------------------------From:P.
> Taylor Goetz <>Send Time:2015年11月6日(星期五)
> <>Subject:Re:
> [Discusson] Storm System Tests
> +1
> I think we should experiment with this. If it can serve us well, and we
> all agree, then we should consider adopting it.
> From what I see:
> * Icense is compatible
> * fairly well documented.
> What potentially worries me:
> * Maintenance. Can we count on updates? Is the ducktape community open to
> accepting patches from us? If so, what would be the turnaround time for
> acceptance?
> -Taylor
> > On Nov 5, 2015, at 8:54 PM, Harsha <> wrote:
> > 
> > The reason for suggesting ducktape not just used in apache kafka but
> > also its getting security services integration like kdc and already has
> > zookeeper. This framework can work with vagrant vms or amazon ec2 etc..
> > 
> >> On Thu, Nov 5, 2015, at 11:49 AM, Hugo Da Cruz Louro wrote:
> >> Great, will make this a priority. Created a
> >> JIRA<> ticket and
> >> assigned it to me.
> >> 
> >>
> >> 
> >> 
> >> On Nov 5, 2015, at 11:40 AM, Bobby Evans
> >> <<>> wrote:
> >> 
> >> Hugo,
> >> 
> >> I would love to see that happen.  It has been on my list for a while, but
> >> I have never found the time to do it. I personally am +1 on this,
> >> hopefully we can do this quickly in preparation for a 0.11.0 release.
> >> 
> >> - Bobby
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> On Thursday, November 5, 2015 1:37 PM, Hugo Da Cruz Louro
> >> <<>> wrote:
> >> 
> >> 
> >> I a agree with these three levels of testing, and that at the very least
> >> we should keep unit tests separated from the system/integration tests.
> >> One huge advantage would be to quickly run unit tests that hopefully are
> >> more predictable, and thus avoid intermittent test fails.
> >> 
> >> Bobby just mentioned but I had already in mind that it would be useful to
> >> create different maven profiles for integration and unit tests. I have
> >> done something similar in a different project and it works really well.
> >> If we agree that it is something we want to implement here, I will create
> >> a JIRA ticket for this and get it done. Please let me know.
> >> 
> >> Thanks,
> >> Hugo
> >> 
> >>> On Nov 5, 2015, at 11:23 AM, Bobby Evans 
> >>><<>> wrote:
> >>> 
> >>> I totally agree.  Too many of our "unit" tests are integration tests and 
> >>>end up spinning up an entire local-mode cluster.
> >>> I personally would like to see three levels of testing.
> >>> 1) true unit tests.  They only touch the code under test and very little 
> >>>else.  The should be what you get when you run mvn test2) integration 
> >>>tests.  These should spin up local mode clusters and modify configs/etc to 
> >>>get a decent set of more white box tests.  The should run as a part of 
> >>>trivis-ci, and probably should run by enabling a special profile.3) Sanity 
> >>>Integration Tests.  ducktape looks like a great fit here.  I would love to 
> >>>see us spin up an few different scenarios for testing, with/without 
> >>>security.  Talking to Kafka, Hadoop(HBase, HDFS, Hive), redis, 
> >>>elastasearch, etc.
> >>> These would be run frequently but not necessarily a part of CI initially.
> >>> - Bobby
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>>   On Wednesday, November 4, 2015 7:21 PM, Harsha 
> >>><<>> wrote:
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> Hi All,
> >>>         As community we are growing and adding new and exciting
> >>>         features to Storm and also we've ever growing connector which
> >>>         only helps in storm adoption. One thing we've severely lacking
> >>>         is system tests. There are unit tests which acts as
> >>>         integration tests to storm-core but there are no system wide
> >>>         integration tests that can spin up kafka nodes and storm ,
> >>>         hbase and run a topology that can make sure the data is
> >>>         getting into hbase.
> >>>       We at Hortonworks use our test topologies run some of these
> >>>       tests but this integration code to spin up vms or nodes is hard
> >>>       to share. In apache kafka we are using ducktape to write system
> >>>       tests so far its working out good. If there are any other
> >>>       frameworks you've in mind we can definitely take a look. But as
> >>>       a community we need start looking at
> >>> or similar frameworks
> >>>       to start writing systems tests. Ducktape makes it  easy to run
> >>>       in a vm or any other infrastructure.  Appreciate any feedback
> >>>       on this.
> >>> 
> >>> Thanks,
> >>> Harsha
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 


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