Github user HeartSaVioR commented on the issue:
    Before looking into the patch in detail, I'd like to see which 
functionalities the patch would want to bring.
    1. As far as I read from MetricStore, it looks like providing an aggregated 
point from time-range query. Do I understand correctly? Because what I've 
expected is like a time-series one, and it would replace metrics consumers and 
eventually provide time-series representation. I expect it can still replace 
metrics consumers for the store side btw.
    2. I guess I know the answer (at least partially) and eventual following-up 
patch would be storing metrics into external storage (like HBase), but just to 
double check: how it will behave when leader Nimbus goes down and one of 
standby Nimbus promotes to leader? Will metrics stored previously be 
unavailable? If Nimbus gets leadership again, how Nimbus shows the gap while it 
didn't receive the metrics? (especially aggregated values) Do we want to apply 
interpolation, or just treat it as no metrics (hence 0 for sum and None for 


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