Hi all,

I also experienced, that dev@ activity is quite low. I did provide some
PRs and asked questions a few months ago and didn't get any feedback,
although the PRs got merged in the end. I think, that we need some sort
of community rebuilding / revival, if we want to maintain Storm in a
sustainable way (like it is done for TomEE or OpenNLP).

Nevertheless, as I am also a committer on StormCrawler, which relies on
Storm (obviously) _and_ is used in our research work, I am also happy
to jump in as a volunteer, if some ppl are needed.


Am Mittwoch, dem 25.01.2023 um 22:00 +0000 schrieb Bipin Prasad:
> I am volunteering to take on the role of PMC chairFor Storm. Not
> quite sure about the process.
> Thanks—Bipin Prasad
> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
> On Wednesday, January 25, 2023, 4:50 PM, Aaron Niskode-Dossett <
> doss...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Storm developer community,
> In the past year or so this project has slowed down and the Project
> Management Committee [PMC] has almost no active members.  The PMC
> chair
> resigned in 2022 with due notice and noone has since volunteered to
> assume
> those duties.  I myself am an inactive PMC member.
> This suggests to me that it's time to consider moving this project to
> the
> Attic [1].  I would view this as the natural culmination of a very
> successful Apache project and not as a mark of failure.  There are
> many,
> many successful and influential projects in the attic.
> The alternative to moving to the attic would be to reconstitute the
> with *new members* of the development community willing to take on
> the
> responsibilities of the project and reporting to the Apache Software
> Foundation board.
> So, please respond to this thread if you are interested in that role.
> Please also respond if you believe moving to the attic is
> appropriate.  A
> vote on moving to the attic may be held on this list in the future.
> Thanks you for your time,
> Aaron
> [1] https://attic.apache.org/

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