
I have been working on POC using this stratos framework and stuck at the 
cartridge stuff. Documentation is not comprehensive enough to understand 
completely. Could someone answer the below

1. I see under tools\stratos-installer\cartridges\openstack, three cartridge 
definition files are of no use right? If not, why 
     they are there when it does not have any real image stuff etc?
2.  Whenever we create a cartridge image, is it our responsibility to create 
cartridge definition file either manually or 
     programmatically, or is there a way stratos can generate it automatically 
during cartridge image creation?
3.  How does cartridge concept work? For example, how does it work for the 
below case

    Two users want to have their own java,tomcat app env based on the same git 
repo? how does two users can have their own respective ipaddress based env on 
the same git repo? my understanding is that once an cartridge image is created 
its only one ip address associated inside it and can have only subcription  
right?  or do we need to create cartridge and its definition for each user 
inorder to have seperate ip address to each user?

4. Also, is there a way we can make ADC to listen jenkins or any other repo 
other git like nexus as opposed to git?

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