So, that means, the way it works is as follows

1. Git repo structure should match tomcat webapp deployment directory structure
2. CartridgeAgent on the VM will be triggered on a git push event and would do 
local pull and thereby treat is as an redeploy on a successful pull


 From: chris snow <>
To: dev <> 
Cc: Maria Beckham <> 
Sent: Saturday, June 7, 2014 11:47 PM
Subject: Re: ADC code

Hi Sajith, thanks for this.  Do you think this information needs to get added 
to the wiki?  I.e. will other users need to know this as well?

On 8 Jun 2014 04:15, "Sajith Kariyawasam" <> wrote:

Hi Maria,
>Yes, as Chris have mentioned code for git operations are in Cartridge Agent 
>You need to do the git pull directly to the deployment directory of the 
>particular cartridge. That can be configured using the APP_PATH system 
>property in Cartridge Agent's startup script [1] 
>For eg, in Tomcat cartridge you can have APP_PATH configured to 
><TOMCAT_HOME>/webapps, and have the war files in your git repository, and the 
>git clone / pull is done to the exact location.
>Hope this helps
>On Sun, Jun 8, 2014 at 2:43 AM, chris snow <> wrote:
>Hi Maria,
>>I think you want to be looking at the cartridge agent  [1] the git
>>pull seems to be here [2]
>>I'm not sure about code for deploying, hopefully someone else will be
>>able to step in with this information...
>>On Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 9:55 PM, Maria Beckham <> 
>>> Hi,
>>> Which java code or components are responsible for doing git pull and
>>> deploying to tomcat server on git push notification?
>>> I saw some code like updaterepository but i dont see any git pull or deploy
>>> code to update tomcat for java app war.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Maria
>>Check out my professional profile and connect with me on LinkedIn.
>Sajith Kariyawasam
>Mobile: +94772269575

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