On Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 9:33 AM, Maria Beckham <mariabeckha...@yahoo.com>

> Hi,
> I have been working on POC using this stratos framework and stuck at the
> cartridge stuff. Documentation is not comprehensive enough to understand
> completely. Could someone answer the below
> 1. I see under tools\stratos-installer\cartridges\openstack, three
> cartridge definition files are of no use right? If not, why
>      they are there when it does not have any real image stuff etc?
Those cartridge xml flies are no use anymore. With Stratos 4, we use json
files for cartridge definiations. Yes they should be removed. Thanks for
pointing it out.

>  2.  Whenever we create a cartridge image, is it our responsibility to
> create cartridge definition file either manually or
>      programmatically, or is there a way stratos can generate it
> automatically during cartridge image creation?
When you create a new vm image (say a java image)  you have to create a
cartridge definition json file with the ID of the new image created.

> 3.  How does cartridge concept work? For example, how does it work for the
> below case
>     Two users want to have their own java,tomcat app env based on the same
> git repo? how does two users can have their own respective ipaddress based
> env on the same git repo? my understanding is that once an cartridge image
> is created its only one ip address associated inside it and can have only
> subcription  right?  or do we need to create cartridge and its definition
> for each user inorder to have seperate ip address to each user?

Stratos cartridge creation guide [1] explain how to create a PHP cartridge
image . If you specify tomcat instead php, it will be a tomcat cartridge
image. After creating a cartridge image, you deploy the cartridge
definition json file to the Stratos as mentioned in [2]. In the cartridge
definition, you change the "imageId":"your_image_id", to match to the
cartrdige image you created.
You have to deploy a separate cartridge for every cartridge type you want
(java, tomcat etc)

Now any tenant/user see the deployed tomcat cartridge. So the users can
subscribe to the cartridge. You can provide the GIT reposiroty URl at the
time of subscription. Then Stratos will spawn a instance for every
subscription. The spawned instance will have clone of the GIT repository
URL you have provided.
When multiple users subscribe to the  tomcat cartridge, each of them will
get instance of their own with the clone of the provided GIT repo. Since
there are multiple instanes, you get separate IP addresses for every
Please note that you don't have to deploy cartridge definitions for each
user. You deploy the cartridge with admin user and every tenant can
subscribe to the deployed cartridge.

You can deploy cartridges, partitions, policies using the Stratos UI also.

Currently Stratos does not include a Java cartridge. So you have to create
a java cartridge by writing puppet modules[4]  for java.

> 4. Also, is there a way we can make ADC to listen jenkins or any other
> repo other git like nexus as opposed to git?



Udara Liyanage
Software Engineer
WSO2, Inc.: http://wso2.com
lean. enterprise. middleware

web: http://udaraliyanage.wordpress.com
phone: +94 71 443 6897

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