On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 5:29 PM, Nirmal Fernando <nirmal070...@gmail.com>

> On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 4:54 PM, Akila Ravihansa Perera <
> raviha...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> Hi
>> > Found that some of the AutoscalerImpl operations are invoked by directly
>> > instantiating the AutoscalerImpl. I think this is not good.
>> > AutoscalerImpl meant to be a web service, which needs to be accessed
>> only
>> > via service stubs, referring to the WSDL.
>> +1. This is completely against the web services model. Just noticed that
>> org/apache/stratos/autoscaler/client/cloud/controller/CloudControllerClient.java
>> class is creating an instance of AutoscalerImpl.
> Why do CloudControllerClient needs to call Autoscaler Service in the first
> place? Also can you point to the exact code segment?

We are calling to get kubernetesMasterIP and portRange. These should be set
to the MemberContext when calling startContainers() CC API.

I guess CC can call Autoscaler APIs get these?

>> Will have to fix
>> this. Nice finding Sajith!
>> > Another small thing to be highlight, regarding the interface naming.
>> > Currently Autoscaler service's interface and CC 's interface naming are
>> not
>> > consistent.
>> > IMO the part 'interface' should not be go in the name of the interface,
>> its
>> > no hard and fast rule, but I think its better to maintain the
>> consistency,
>> > So I would like to suggest to rename AutoScalerServiceInterface as
>> > AutoScalerService.
>> >
>> > thoughts?
>> +1
>> I''ll create JIRAs to track these tasks. I too think that it is
>> important to clean up this code in a proper way.
>> >> Also, how about in "updateX" operations if the updated object is
>> returned
>> >> instead of the boolean? That will make the programming in client side
>> easy,
>> >> otherwise it will need to do another "getX" call to retrieve the
>> updated
>> >> object ?
>>  +1
>> Yes, that would be make things easy in client side.
>> >>> One KubernetesHost is associated with only one KubernetesGroup. Hence
>> >>> ideally KubernetesHost class should have a reference to
>> KubernetesGroup. I
>> >>> mean KubernetesHost should have a KubernetesGroupId filed.
>> >>>
>> >>> There are some advantages of doing this.
>> >>>
>> >>> We need to pass only KubernetesHost object when calling
>> >>> addKubernetesHost() method. Currently we are passing both
>> KubernetesGroupId
>> >>> and KubernetesHost object.
>> >>> removeKubernetesHost() method will become more efficient. I could see
>> >>> that you are looping through all Kubernetes Groups in-order to
>> identify
>> >>> which Group has the given host. Then you are removing the host from
>> that
>> >>> group. If you store the  KubernetesGroupId in the KubernetesHost
>> object,
>> >>> then no need to loop through all the KubernetesGroups. Of course we
>> need to
>> >>> pass the KubernetesHost object to the removeKubernetesHost() method.
>> >>> updateKubernetesHost() would work faster because of the same reason as
>> >>> above.
>> >>>
>> >>> It will improve the performance.
>> IMO, doing that will only add more complexity to the code. I don't see
>> a beneficial performance gain for that kind of increase in the
>> complexity.
>> If we do that, then we will have to add more annotations to hide
>> kubernetesGroupId in the json object serialization. Because we do not
>> want users to change the kubernetes groupId when updating host
>> objects. This is un-necessary complexity for me. So I'm - 0 on this.
>> What do others think?
>> Thanks
> --
> Best Regards,
> Nirmal
> Nirmal Fernando.
> PPMC Member & Committer of Apache Stratos,
> Senior Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc.
> Blog: http://nirmalfdo.blogspot.com/

Rajkumar Rajaratnam
Software Engineer | WSO2, Inc.
Mobile +94777568639 | +94783498120

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