
I am just looking at the new group/application mode, for 4.1, and I noticed 
that the subscribablesInfo no longer contains a deploymentPolicy. For example, 
from [1]:

"applicationId: "single_group_v1",


    "subscribableInfo": {

        "alias": "tom2group6",

        "autoscalingPolicy": "autoscale-policy-1",





Instead, what seems to have happened is that the deployment policy point back 
to the application, from [2]:

"applicationId": "single_group_v1",

"applicationPolicy": {

"networkPartition": [

This is surely backwards. Why do deployment policies name the application? Why 
can't a single deployment policy be referenced by multiple applications (just 
like before)?

Also, what is confusing is that the samples are themselves inconsistent. For 
example, the first one I looked at [3] seems to be missing any binding between 
the application .json and the deployment .json; are these samples actually 
supposed to work, or are they perhaps a work in progress only?

Any insights would be most welcome.

Thanks, Shaheed




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