Yes, I agree with your concerns Shaheed! Please find my comments below:

On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 4:13 AM, Shaheed Haque <> wrote:

> OK, I get that argument. But consider that multiple subscriptions all
> using a single deployment spec was the previous model, and now we have
> inverted that cardinality completely.

Not exactly, we support multiple subscriptions for Multi-Tenant
applications but not for Single-Tenant applications. This is again due to
the reason I have explained in the previous response. May be we can improve
this in a minor release. BTW the term Subscription has now being changed to
Application SignUp.

To my knowledge, in addition to the generic automation of single cartridge
> subscriptions we provided our Stratos users, at least two users have
> significant investment in dynamically generating and
> subscribing/unsubscribing cartridges on-the-fly. Converting these to use
> single application cartridges is necessary work needed to get to 4.1, but
> all these usages will now require substantive rework to manage the opposite
> cardinality w.r.t. deployment policies.

Here we deploy an application in the context of Tenant not for User. Yes in
this release it is not possible to share Single-Tenant applications accross
tenants. However each tenant can deploy the same application with a
different deployment policy by using a different application id.

> I'm all in favour of progress, and change where unavoidable, but this
> seems to gratuitously change the model for the bulk of singleton cartridge
> users in favour of the currently non-existent grouping users. (And yes, I
> am aware of the paradox that we are VERY interested in the grouping).

Yes I agree, may be we can have a separate discussion on this and propose
improvements for the next minor release.


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