Hi Shaheed,

We are sorry to hear the problems that you have encountered while trying to
use the latest codebase. Yes I agree that there are bits and pieces missing
in the documentation at the moment.

Shall we have a quick call to get things sorted? Anyone interested can also


On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 2:52 PM, Lahiru Sandaruwan <lahi...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Sorry for the typos. Agreed with Shaheed on Max values. We only have one
> place to define minimum already, which is cartridge min. We can move that
> as partitionMin and find the Cartridge min using them.
> Thanks.
> On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 2:37 PM, Rajkumar Rajaratnam <rajkum...@wso2.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I agree with Shaheed. cartridgeMax is the addition of all partitions'
>> partiionMax values and cartridgeMin is the addition of all partition's
>> partitioinMin values in the deployment policy that the cartridge is
>> referring to.
>> As Lakmal mentioned, we can calculate cartridgeMax/Min using
>> partitionMax/Min in deployment policy.
>> Thanks.
>> On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 2:22 PM, Lakmal Warusawithana <lak...@wso2.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I think, we only need two values min/max. Min is need to get dependency
>>> ratio (and HA) and max is need for one-after-other deployment patten or
>>> absolute max. IMO, if we can set all these values in deployment policy
>>> (with respect to partitions) would be very clear.
>>> Only reason I can see, put CartridgeMin in application is to calculate
>>> dependency ratio. Can we calculate it from attached deployment policy?
>>> On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 1:50 PM, Shaheedur Haque (shahhaqu) <
>>> shahh...@cisco.com> wrote:
>>>>  LOL. We are going around in circles…let’s start over.
>>>> In 4.1.0, there are two pairs of limits on instance numbers, one called
>>>> partitionMin/Max (specified in the Deployment Policy) and one called
>>>> cartridgeMin/Max alongside the subscription info (specified in the
>>>> Application).
>>>> My question was what is the point of cartridgeMax? You gave a very
>>>> confusing example in reply with what look like several crucial typos, and
>>>> even if I guess at what was intended, I still don’t see a strong reason to
>>>> have cartridgeMax. Specifically, in your example, if I wanted to limit the
>>>> application to 5 instances of PHP, why would I not simply set the
>>>> partitionMax to 2,3 or 3,2 in the two partitions?
>>>> Similarly, I have yet to see any convincing response as to why
>>>> cartridgeMin is really required.
>>>> The subtle shift in behavior being claimed in these cases seems
>>>> confusing at best, and simply broken at worst. I claim broken because there
>>>> are no clear rules as to how all 4 values relate, and no clear use-case to
>>>> have all 4. In short, I have no idea how or why I should set them.
>>>> Please clarify or remove.
>>>> Thanks, Shaheed
>>>> *From:* Lahiru Sandaruwan [mailto:lahi...@wso2.com]
>>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, March 17, 2015 3:43 AM
>>>> *To:* dev
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [Discuss] Cartridge definition doesn't need
>>>> "maxInstanceLimit" property anymore
>>>> Hi Shaheed,
>>>> We can define the maximum number of instances that can be spawned per
>>>> partition in deployment policy. You can find a simple sample which is
>>>> written for next developer preview at [1]. This sample is an end to end
>>>> sample with single cartridge application and Mock IaaS. See the step 5 for 
>>>> *partitionMax
>>>> *usage.
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> [1]
>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/STRATOS/4.1.0-Beta+Install+Stratos+with+a+Mock+IaaS
>>>> On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 5:24 PM, Shaheedur Haque (shahhaqu) <
>>>> shahh...@cisco.com> wrote:
>>>>  Hi Lahiru,
>>>> What do you mean by partition max? Where is it specified?
>>>> Thanks, Shaheed
>>>> *From:* Lahiru Sandaruwan [mailto:lahi...@wso2.com]
>>>> *Sent:* Saturday, March 14, 2015 2:31 AM
>>>> *To:* dev
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [Discuss] Cartridge definition doesn't need
>>>> "maxInstanceLimit" property anymore
>>>> Hi Shaheedur,
>>>> This is the same model we had from 4.0.0 and we did not change the
>>>> concept in this release. Explanation as below,
>>>> There can be several partitions that a particular cartridge(service
>>>> cluster) can span over.
>>>> E.g.
>>>> Say PHP cartridge have 3 partitions(P1 and P2). P1 has 3 as partition
>>>> max and P1 has 6 as partition max.
>>>> PHP has 2 as Cartridge min and 5 as Cartridge max.
>>>> *With one-after-another algorithm between partitions,*
>>>> *Min instances creation,*
>>>> Both the minimum instances will be created in P1.
>>>> *Scaling up,*
>>>> First scaling up member will be created in P1 and the next members will
>>>> be created in P2. It can only create 3 members in P1 and 2 members in P2 as
>>>> it will reach it's max of 5 members. That's where the cartridge max is 
>>>> used.
>>>> * With round-robin algorithm between partitions,*
>>>> *Min instances creation,*
>>>> One of the minimum instances will be created in P1 and the other in P2.
>>>> *Scaling up,*
>>>> Scaling up members will be created in round-robin manner in P1 and P2.
>>>> On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 9:31 PM, Shaheedur Haque (shahhaqu) <
>>>> shahh...@cisco.com> wrote:
>>>>  After discussing a bit with Imesh, we identified 3 points that need
>>>> clarifying:
>>>> ·        If there is to be a cartridgeMin attribute, it should at
>>>> least be optional and take its default value from the deployment policy
>>>> minimum value.
>>>>  Do you mean the minimum value per partition? I cannot see such value.
>>>> There is only maximum in partitions of deployment policy.
>>>>  ·        If there is to be a cartridgeMin attribute, its behaviour
>>>> needs to be specified with respect to the deployment min and max. For
>>>> example, what happens if the cartridgeMin is greater than the deployment
>>>> max?
>>>> This is a good question. Ideally, with current implementation,  it will
>>>> not create instances beyond partition Max.
>>>>  ·        We need to find out what, if anything, the cartridgeMax is
>>>> for.
>>>> IMO partition max are for limiting the instances in IaaS, for
>>>> particular region, zone or so. But cartridge need it's own limit when it
>>>> scales up, where reusable partitions may have less or more space. Therefore
>>>> we need both.
>>>> *Stratos will create instances until the lowest of those max
>>>> values(Cartridge max and partition max).*
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> *From:* Shaheedur Haque (shahhaqu)
>>>> *Sent:* 13 March 2015 08:22
>>>> *To:* dev@stratos.apache.org
>>>> *Subject:* RE: [Discuss] Cartridge definition doesn't need
>>>> "maxInstanceLimit" property anymore
>>>> Hi Reka,
>>>> First, I strongly suggest we not use internal terms like “cluster”,
>>>> since they are not part of the user visible model, to explain user visible
>>>> behaviour. For example, my understanding of a cluster is almost certainly
>>>> not as good as you think it is J. Nevertheless…
>>>> I think I understand: you are saying that when a group scales up, you
>>>> will initially spin up cartridgeMin instances, correct? If this is not
>>>> correct, please clarify. If it is correct, then:
>>>> ·        I would have thought that the correct behaviour was to
>>>> enforce the minimum value specified in the deployment policy.
>>>> ·        Even if there is a theoretical use case where a new group
>>>> should start with a different values that the one in the deployment policy,
>>>> you would need to clearly explain how cartridgeMin relates to both
>>>> deployment min **and** max when the values clash. I say we should
>>>> rather keep it simple and use the deployment policy values.
>>>> ·        What is cartridgeMax used for?
>>>> Thanks, Shaheed
>>>> *From:* Reka Thirunavukkarasu [mailto:r...@wso2.com <r...@wso2.com>]
>>>> *Sent:* 13 March 2015 02:54
>>>> *To:* dev
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [Discuss] Cartridge definition doesn't need
>>>> "maxInstanceLimit" property anymore
>>>> Hi Shaheedur,
>>>> Sorry for the confusion..Let me explain what cartridgeMin is and the
>>>> purpose of having it in the application. As you already aware, we have
>>>> the group instances/cluster instances concept with 4.1.0 in order to
>>>> support group scaling. For the cluster level, we will need a minimum count
>>>> for the members in order to maintain this minimum count all the time. Since
>>>> we have cluster instance concept, we will need a minimum members per
>>>> cluster instance level. So that whenever a new cluster instance is getting
>>>> created, we can satisfy the cluster instance by creating the cartridgeMin
>>>> number of members and can send the clusterInstanceActivated event. That's
>>>> why
>>>> cartridgeMin got introduced in the application. "cartridgeMin" means
>>>> the minimum number of members per cluster instance.
>>>> When a cluster instance is getting created, let's say you have two as
>>>> the
>>>> cartridgeMin. In that case in order to create those two members, we
>>>> will need to find out the partition. For that, we will get the associated
>>>> policy and find the suitable partition to spin those members one by one. If
>>>> one of the partition is full, our algorithm is capable of choosing the next
>>>> available partition.
>>>> Please let me know, if it is unclear still..
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Reka
>>>> On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 11:31 AM, Shaheedur Haque (shahhaqu) <
>>>> shahh...@cisco.com> wrote:
>>>> I’m now thoroughly confused as to what is going and staying. I **think**
>>>> the latest part of this thread says we need to keep cartridgeMin and
>>>> cartridgeMax. Why do we need cartridgeMin and cartridgeMax at this point in
>>>> the system?
>>>> *From:* Reka Thirunavukkarasu [mailto:r...@wso2.com]
>>>> *Sent:* 12 March 2015 17:09
>>>> *To:* dev
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [Discuss] Cartridge definition doesn't need
>>>> "maxInstanceLimit" property anymore
>>>> Hi Raj,
>>>> On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 10:01 AM, Rajkumar Rajaratnam <
>>>> rajkum...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 10:24 PM, Reka Thirunavukkarasu <r...@wso2.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Lahiru/Raj,
>>>> I think that we have introduced this *cartridgeMin/cartridgeMax *when
>>>> introducing the deployment policy for cartridge and groups as global
>>>> deployment policy. Since we have the same concept now, i would like to
>>>> review the implementation and confirm whether it is required or not. Can
>>>> you please hold until that? I will quickly confirm on this..
>>>> Hi Reka, I am not sure whether I understood you wrong. Yes we need
>>>> cartridgeMin and cartridgeMax, which are defined in application json. But
>>>> we don't need *maxInstanceLimit* property, which used to define in
>>>> cartridge json in 4.0.0. I guess we have already removed references to this
>>>> property from code base, but not from sample artifacts.
>>>> Thanks for the details.. We no longer using *maxInstanceLimit. *+1 to
>>>> remove it..I was bit confused when i read the mail body as i thought that
>>>> you are going to remove cartidgeMin/cartridgeMax. Now it is clear..
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Reka
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Reka
>>>> On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 9:40 AM, Lahiru Sandaruwan <lahi...@wso2.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Noticed today. It was misleading as we have this left in samples. I
>>>> will clean this up.
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 10:04 PM, Rajkumar Rajaratnam <
>>>> rajkum...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Devs,
>>>> We are defining cartridge min max count in application definition.
>>>> {
>>>>     "applicationId": "single-cartridge-app",
>>>>     "alias": "single-cartridge-app",
>>>>     "multiTenant": false,
>>>>     "components": {
>>>>         "cartridges": [
>>>>             {
>>>>                 "type": "php",
>>>> *"cartridgeMin": 1,                 "cartridgeMax": 10,*
>>>>                 "subscribableInfo": {
>>>>                     "alias": "my-php",
>>>>                     "autoscalingPolicy": "autoscaling-policy-1",
>>>>                     "deploymentPolicy": "deployment-policy-1",
>>>>                     "artifactRepository": {
>>>>                         "privateRepo": false,
>>>>                         "repoUrl": "
>>>> https://github.com/imesh/stratos-php-applications.git";,
>>>>                         "repoUsername": "",
>>>>                         "repoPassword": ""
>>>>                     }
>>>>                 }
>>>>             }
>>>>         ]
>>>>     }
>>>> }
>>>> In 4.0.0, we used to define these in cartridge definition, in IaaS
>>>> provider section. We have now removed it from cartridge bean classes.
>>>> However I can see that samples still have this attribute. I will remove it.
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> --
>>>> Rajkumar Rajaratnam
>>>> Committer & PMC Member, Apache Stratos
>>>> Software Engineer, WSO2
>>>> Mobile : +94777568639
>>>> Blog : rajkumarr.com
>>>> --
>>>> --
>>>> Lahiru Sandaruwan
>>>> Committer and PMC member, Apache Stratos,
>>>> Senior Software Engineer,
>>>> WSO2 Inc., http://wso2.com
>>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>>> phone: +94773325954
>>>> email: lahi...@wso2.com blog: http://lahiruwrites.blogspot.com/
>>>> linked-in: http://lk.linkedin.com/pub/lahiru-sandaruwan/16/153/146
>>>>   --
>>>> Reka Thirunavukkarasu
>>>> Senior Software Engineer,
>>>> WSO2, Inc.:http://wso2.com,
>>>> Mobile: +94776442007
>>>> --
>>>> Rajkumar Rajaratnam
>>>> Committer & PMC Member, Apache Stratos
>>>> Software Engineer, WSO2
>>>> Mobile : +94777568639
>>>> Blog : rajkumarr.com
>>>> --
>>>> Reka Thirunavukkarasu
>>>> Senior Software Engineer,
>>>> WSO2, Inc.:http://wso2.com,
>>>> Mobile: +94776442007
>>>> --
>>>> Reka Thirunavukkarasu
>>>> Senior Software Engineer,
>>>> WSO2, Inc.:http://wso2.com,
>>>> Mobile: +94776442007
>>>> --
>>>> --
>>>> Lahiru Sandaruwan
>>>> Committer and PMC member, Apache Stratos,
>>>> Senior Software Engineer,
>>>> WSO2 Inc., http://wso2.com
>>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>>> phone: +94773325954
>>>> email: lahi...@wso2.com blog: http://lahiruwrites.blogspot.com/
>>>> linked-in: http://lk.linkedin.com/pub/lahiru-sandaruwan/16/153/146
>>>> --
>>>> --
>>>> Lahiru Sandaruwan
>>>> Committer and PMC member, Apache Stratos,
>>>> Senior Software Engineer,
>>>> WSO2 Inc., http://wso2.com
>>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>>> phone: +94773325954
>>>> email: lahi...@wso2.com blog: http://lahiruwrites.blogspot.com/
>>>> linked-in: http://lk.linkedin.com/pub/lahiru-sandaruwan/16/153/146
>>> --
>>> Lakmal Warusawithana
>>> Vice President, Apache Stratos
>>> Director - Cloud Architecture; WSO2 Inc.
>>> Mobile : +94714289692
>>> Blog : http://lakmalsview.blogspot.com/
>> --
>> Rajkumar Rajaratnam
>> Committer & PMC Member, Apache Stratos
>> Software Engineer, WSO2
>> Mobile : +94777568639
>> Blog : rajkumarr.com
> --
> --
> Lahiru Sandaruwan
> Committer and PMC member, Apache Stratos,
> Senior Software Engineer,
> WSO2 Inc., http://wso2.com
> lean.enterprise.middleware
> phone: +94773325954
> email: lahi...@wso2.com blog: http://lahiruwrites.blogspot.com/
> linked-in: http://lk.linkedin.com/pub/lahiru-sandaruwan/16/153/146

Imesh Gunaratne

Technical Lead, WSO2
Committer & PMC Member, Apache Stratos

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