Hi Martin,

I'm using the code from the master. Then i will try to test it with beta

Also, please note that i was trying with mock IaaS. Since mock IaaS is
quick for the verification, i was using that..In case, if you need mock
IaaS for any verification, you can enable mock temporarily in
STRATOS_HOME/repository/conf/mock-iaas.xml and can deploy the samples that
i provided.

I will try to test the same with openstack as well.


On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 11:45 PM, Martin Eppel (meppel) <mep...@cisco.com>

>  Reka,
> Are you using the latest code from the master or beta code - I am still
> running with beta + one cherry-picked commit,
> Thanks
> Martin
> *From:* Reka Thirunavukkarasu [mailto:r...@wso2.com]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, April 29, 2015 11:12 AM
> *To:* dev
> *Subject:* Re: Testing stratos 4.1 - nested grouping fails to deploy with
> unequal cartridge types ?
> Hi Martin,
> I have built the pack as of today and tried with the attached sample.
> Unable to reproduce this issue even in the fresh pack. Application became
> active without any issue..I'm trying to further analyze your logs to see
> whether any clue is there for the root cause.
> Can you please try with the latest pack and with the attached sample and
> share with me the logs again, if it is possible? If both of us are using
> the same setup and application, then that might help to isolate the issue.
> FYI: Under the sample, there is a deploy.sh. By just running that, you can
> deploy the samples. Only the difference is that I'm using different alias
> throughout the application.
> Thanks,
> Reka
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 10:43 PM, Reka Thirunavukkarasu <r...@wso2.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 9:56 PM, Martin Eppel (meppel) <mep...@cisco.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Reka,
> Thanks for looking into it,
> Yes, the behavior is not consistent, I also experienced a successful run
> here and there (as pointed out somewhere in the email thread). Please note
> that the issue always seems to come up in my setup if the application is
> the first one to be deployed after stratos is started up. The following
> sequence demonstrates the experienced behavior
> 1.      Start up stratos
> 2.      Deploy application -> typically fails, (not all instances start
> up)
> 3.      Remove application
> 4.      Re-deploy application -> always seems to succeed, all instances
> start up
> I will also try to test with fresh setup always and try to find the way to
> reproduce it..
> Btw, did you take a look at the (email thread, JIRA)  attached logs,
> including the debug log – they demonstrate the sequence described.
> Yah..I looked into that and couldn't find any clue for the root cause as
> the required data had been added to the monitor. But, the monitor didn't
> start the required instances.
> As a side note this is currently blocking me from testing some other test
> / use cases we have
>  Sure..Will update on this issue further as i progress with it as soon as
> possible..
>  Thanks,
> Reka
> Thanks
> Martin
> *From:* Reka Thirunavukkarasu [mailto:r...@wso2.com]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, April 29, 2015 1:04 AM
> *To:* dev
> *Subject:* Re: Testing stratos 4.1 - nested grouping fails to deploy with
> unequal cartridge types ?
> Hi Martin,
> I could reproduce an issue where C2 was not coming up. But after one/two
> minutes, even C2 has also come up and became active. So, application got
> activated finally. Now I'm not even reproducing any thing like. All the way
> application is becoming active without any issue. I will try with few more
> time to reproduce this..I will also check whether any concurrency issue is
> there..
> FYI: I used the artifacts that you have provided.
> Thanks,
> Reka
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 8:02 AM, Reka Thirunavukkarasu <r...@wso2.com>
> wrote:
> Thanks Martin for providing all the required resources..I will verify
> those and try to reproduce it..
> Thanks,
> Reka
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 7:20 AM, Martin Eppel (meppel) <mep...@cisco.com>
> wrote:
> Forgot to mention, please note that the alias name and group name don’t
> match the ones I provided with the artifacts (which was modeled as Reka
> suggested) – anyway, the result (failure of one cartridge instance not
> being started up) is the same.
> Thanks
> Martin
> <… Picture removed … >
> *From:* isu...@wso2.com [mailto:isu...@wso2.com <isu...@wso2.com>] *On
> Behalf Of *Isuru Haththotuwa
> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 28, 2015 12:56 PM
> *To:* dev
> *Subject:* Re: Testing stratos 4.1 - nested grouping fails to deploy with
> unequal cartridge types ?
> Martin,
> Access the UI from [1], and find the relevant topology view for the
> application.
> [1]. https://<hostname>:9443/console
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 1:07 AM, Martin Eppel (meppel) <mep...@cisco.com>
> wrote:
> Reka,
> I attached the application.json and cartridge-group.json to the email
> thread / JIRA , even the log files with debug enabled. I’ll have to
> experiment how to get to the UI (never tried that),
> Thanks
> Martin
> *From:* Reka Thirunavukkarasu [mailto:r...@wso2.com]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 28, 2015 12:12 PM
> *To:* dev
> *Subject:* Re: Testing stratos 4.1 - nested grouping fails to deploy with
> unequal cartridge types ?
> HI Martin,
> Would you be able to share the Application Topology structure from the UI?
> That would also help to narrow down the issue.
> Thanks,
> Reka
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 6:02 PM, Reka Thirunavukkarasu <r...@wso2.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Really sorry for the delay..Thanks for reporting it as a jira. That would
> help us to track it...Will check on this jira and update you...
> Thanks,
> Reka
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 10:09 PM, Martin Eppel (meppel) <mep...@cisco.com>
> wrote:
> I create a JIRA for the subsequent issue (not bringing up all instances in
> nested grouping scenario):
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/STRATOS-1345
> Thanks
> Martin
> *From:* Martin Eppel (meppel)
> *Sent:* Friday, April 24, 2015 5:15 PM
> *To:* dev@stratos.apache.org
> *Subject:* RE: Testing stratos 4.1 - nested grouping fails to deploy with
> unequal cartridge types ?
> Attaching the log of the same application but with only 1 cartridge
> instance created
> *From:* Martin Eppel (meppel)
> *Sent:* Friday, April 24, 2015 4:15 PM
> *To:* dev@stratos.apache.org
> *Subject:* RE: Testing stratos 4.1 - nested grouping fails to deploy with
> unequal cartridge types ?
> Hi Reka,
> I tried what you suggested - but only with limited success - changing the
> application name and alias to make it different from the top level (or
> parent) group name, alias (see snippet below). For the full json please see
> the attached application / cartridge-group.json.
> I had an one time success using the proposed naming pattern but subsequent
> runs failed again to bring up all 4 cartridge instances (which seems to
> suggest to me a potential race condition).
> What is also interesting is that after un-deploying the application and
> re-deploying all  4 cartridge instances come up – see debug log enabled log
> file wso2carbon-debug-2nd-subscription.log.
> I attached the wso2carbon.log from a failed run without debug enabled and
> one with debug enabled.
> Thanks
> Martin
> {
>   "alias": "sub-G1-G2-G3-1-G4",
>   "applicationId": "sub-G1-G2-G3-1-G4",
>   "components": {
>     "cartridges": [],
>     "groups": [
>       {
>         "name": "sub-G1-G2-G3-1",
>         "groupMaxInstances": 1,
>         "groupMinInstances": 1,
>         "alias": "sub-G1-G2-G3-1",
>         "cartridges": [],
> *From:* Reka Thirunavukkarasu [mailto:r...@wso2.com <r...@wso2.com>]
> *Sent:* Friday, April 24, 2015 1:57 AM
> *To:* dev
> *Subject:* Re: Testing stratos 4.1 - nested grouping fails to deploy with
> unequal cartridge types ?
> Hi Martin,
> Found the issue. It was an issue with your application definition. You
> were using same Id for applicationId and the blower group alias. So in this
> specific case GroupMonitor and ApplicationMonitor got messed up with this
> configuration. Please note that it would be better to use GroupName also a
> unique value as to avoid confusion in case if the same group used by
> multiple application. Please see the configuration below as your one:
> {
>     "alias": "subscription-G1-G2-G3",
>     "applicationId": "subscription-G1-G2-G3",
>     "components": {
>         "cartridges": [],
>         "groups": [
>             {
>                 "name": "subscription-G1-G2-G3",
>                 "groupMaxInstances": 1,
>                 "groupMinInstances": 1,
>                 "alias": "subscription-G1-G2-G3",
>                 "cartridges": [],
>                 "groups": [
> After i changed it to below configuration, your sample worked fine as
> attached the UI Topology.
> {
>     "alias": "subscription-G1-G2-G3-G4",
>     "applicationId": "subscription-G1-G2-G3-G4",
>     "components": {
>         "cartridges": [],
>         "groups": [
>             {
>                 "name": "subscription-G1-G2-G3",
>                 "groupMaxInstances": 1,
>                 "groupMinInstances": 1,
>                 "alias": "subscription-G1-G2-G3",
>                 "cartridges": [],
>                 "groups": [
> Hope this will help you. Will check further whether we need to do the
> validation. Then we can find such issues in the application addition itself.
> Thanks,
> Reka
> On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 1:22 PM, Reka Thirunavukkarasu <r...@wso2.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> I didn't encounter such issue, since i constructed a similar sample
> referring your one, it worked fine for me. I will check with exactly your
> sample and update how it goes.
> Thanks,
> Reka
> On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 5:33 AM, Martin Eppel (meppel) <mep...@cisco.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Reka,
> I verified the fix and it is working, however while testing the scenario I
> noticed a different issue:
> When the application is subscribed the very first time after starting up
> stratos, only 3 of the 4 cartridge actually spawn an instance (which all
> become active). However, If I subsequently remove the application (without
> restarting stratos) and re-subscribe again all 4 cartridges spin up an
> instance.
> I attached the log file which has both scenarios (1st subscription of the
> app and 2nd one) plus the cartridge groups and application json.
> WDYT, is it a configuration error or a possible bug ?
> Thanks
> Martin
> *From:* Reka Thirunavukkarasu [mailto:r...@wso2.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, April 23, 2015 1:08 AM
> *To:* dev
> *Subject:* Re: Testing stratos 4.1 - nested grouping fails to deploy with
> unequal cartridge types ?
> Hi Martin,
> Identified the bug and fixed it in
> 2065d7a167b00bbca0a5efe9a1a178521b3bda8a. Please verify it and update the
> thread.
> Thanks,
> Reka
> On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 11:42 AM, Reka Thirunavukkarasu <r...@wso2.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> I'm looking into this issue..I have tried a similar sample as your one and
> got the issue reproduced in the local setup. It seems to be a bug in our
> application parser. Will work on further on this and update the thread..
> Thanks,
> Reka
> On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 10:32 AM, Imesh Gunaratne <im...@apache.org>
> wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Thanks for reporting this problem, we will have a look at this and get
> back to you soon.
> Thanks
> On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 5:27 AM, Martin Eppel (meppel) <mep...@cisco.com>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I think I am seeing an issue with nested grouping:
> When I define a parent group (no cartridges) and 2 nested children groups,
> each containing cartridges with a different types I see an exception that a
> cartridge group is not defined in the parent  group :
> TID: [0] [STRATOS] [2015-04-22 20:46:58,495] ERROR
> {org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCInOnlyMessageReceiver} -  Cartridge c3
> not defined in cartridge group: [application] subscription-G1-G2-G3
> [cartridge-group-name] subscription-G1-G2-G3 [cartridge-group-alias]
> subscription-G1-G2-G3
> java.lang.RuntimeException: Cartridge c3 not defined in cartridge group:
> [application] subscription-G1-G2-G3 [cartridge-group-name]
> subscription-G1-G2-G3 [cartridge-group-alias] subscription-G1-G2-G3
>                at
> org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.applications.parser.DefaultApplicationParser.validateCartridgeGroupReference(DefaultApplicationParser.java:590)
>                at
> org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.applications.parser.DefaultApplicationParser.parseGroups(DefaultApplicationParser.java:569)
> If I define the same cartridge types in both children groups the
> application deploys fine (e.g. replace cartridge type c3 / c4 with c1 / c2
> in group “multiple-groups-no-startup-G2”, see …”working”…. Artifacts)
> I attached wso2carbon.log / cartridge-group.json and application.json
> files and all the other artifacts  to the email.
> Also attached the artifacts (cartridge-group / application) and wso2carbon
> log for the working case (see …“working”… ) for comparison
> I created a JIRA for this issue:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/STRATOS-1339
> Thanks
> Martin
> --
> Imesh Gunaratne
> Technical Lead, WSO2
> Committer & PMC Member, Apache Stratos
>   --
> Reka Thirunavukkarasu
> Senior Software Engineer,
> WSO2, Inc.:http://wso2.com,
> Mobile: +94776442007
> --
> Reka Thirunavukkarasu
> Senior Software Engineer,
> WSO2, Inc.:http://wso2.com,
> Mobile: +94776442007
> --
> Reka Thirunavukkarasu
> Senior Software Engineer,
> WSO2, Inc.:http://wso2.com,
> Mobile: +94776442007
> --
> Reka Thirunavukkarasu
> Senior Software Engineer,
> WSO2, Inc.:http://wso2.com,
> Mobile: +94776442007
> --
> Reka Thirunavukkarasu
> Senior Software Engineer,
> WSO2, Inc.:http://wso2.com,
> Mobile: +94776442007
> --
> Reka Thirunavukkarasu
> Senior Software Engineer,
> WSO2, Inc.:http://wso2.com,
> Mobile: +94776442007
> --
>  <%2B94776442007>
> *Thanks and Regards, Isuru H. <%2B94776442007>*
> *+94 716 358 048 <%2B94776442007>*
> --
> Reka Thirunavukkarasu
> Senior Software Engineer,
> WSO2, Inc.:http://wso2.com,
> Mobile: +94776442007
> --
> Reka Thirunavukkarasu
> Senior Software Engineer,
> WSO2, Inc.:http://wso2.com,
> Mobile: +94776442007
> --
> Reka Thirunavukkarasu
> Senior Software Engineer,
> WSO2, Inc.:http://wso2.com,
> Mobile: +94776442007
> --
> Reka Thirunavukkarasu
> Senior Software Engineer,
> WSO2, Inc.:http://wso2.com,
> Mobile: +94776442007

Reka Thirunavukkarasu
Senior Software Engineer,
WSO2, Inc.:http://wso2.com,
Mobile: +94776442007

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