On Mon, 2 Aug 2004 22:44:21 +0100, robert burrell donkin
> On 2 Aug 2004, at 22:13, Martin Cooper wrote:
> > On Thu, 29 Jul 2004 18:26:27 -0400, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> >> I don't think we're picky at this point. Either what Ant does or what
> >> Maven does would be fine, robert.
> >
> > I'm sure I'm missing something obvious here, but I guess I'm not clear
> > on where either Ant or Maven come in to getting an Acquiring page
> > working with the mirrors.
> ted brought them up as examples of templates that he'd be happy to see
> struts follow.

Aha, now I understand. I was reading "Ant or Maven, the tools" instead
of "Ant or Maven, the communities". ;-)

> > I took a quick look at this over the weekend, and all it seems to take
> > is the appropriate pair of .cgi and .html files (the latter with the
> > necessary substitution variables in it), and an entry in the
> > mirrors.conf file to hook up the .cgi file. I hacked up a couple of
> > test files (see the test dir on the site), but I don't know if I have
> > the right perms (and the right understanding!) to modify the config
> > file.
> >
> > Is there more to this than meets the eye?
> that's pretty much it. i never claimed that it was difficult :)


> there's nothing really difficult about the config file but you'll need
> the right karma. (i suspect that members would be granted on request.)
> craig should have the karma or you could post a patch up for
> infrastructure in JIRA (but remember to do this ahead of time).

Is the naming in this file documented somewhere? It seems that there
is a mapping between paths and entry names, but I'm guessing that it's
more than just a naming convention.

Thanks, Robert.

Martin Cooper

> - robert
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