Also now added an SVN externals definition so that struts-faces is included
in the core/STRUTS_1_2_BRANCH - its being pulled in from faces/trunk
sub-project, following a conversation with Craig McClanahan.

So as it stands now the "source distro" for 1.2.x will include a "contrib"
folder with the following in:



> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Niall Pemberton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 12:29 AM
> > The last "ga" Struts release (i.e. version 1.2.4) was done from CVS and
> the
> > contents of the "contrib" folder were shipped in the source
> > Since then we have moved to SVN and re-organised the repository and the
> only
> > thing now included in the 1.2.x source distribution are the "el tags".
> >
> > Since I haven't used anything from "contrib" I'm pretty neutral about
> > including any of it, but given that some people may have done, do we
> to
> > include any or all of the things that we previously shipped?
> >
> > Struts 1.2.4 included the following in "contrib" (as well as Struts-el)
> >
> > /artimus
> > /scaffold
> > /struts-chain
> > /struts-faces
> > /struts-jericho
> > /tag-doc
> > /workflow
> >
> > For "el" I believe James did something "smart" in SVN so that when the
> > STRUTS_1_2_BRANCH is checked out it includes the "el" sub-project's
> > STRUTS_1_2_BRANCH - we would probably want something similar for any of
> the
> > remainder that we want to include?
> >
> > I know some people have built stuff around struts-chain - so I think
> > is a case for including that - from the sandbox  STRUTS_1_2_BRANCH -
> > anything else?

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