On 5/26/05, Niall Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Geary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 9:59 PM
> > Ted Husted has convinced me that Tiles should, afterall, be a Struts
> > subproject. But I have a couple of questions. First, should I put
> > this in a directory called struts/tiles? There's already a Struts top-
> > level directory named tiles, so reusing that name might cause
> > confusion. Should I name it tiles-standalone, or something like that?
> My vote would be to use "tiles" - it makes the most sense, even if in the
> short term it creates confusion. I would suggest renaming the existing tiles
> sub-project to something like "struts-tiles". The advantage of svn is that
> its easy to re-arrange in the future. You could stick all your stuff in the
> sandbox intially so that people can have a look at it. Once its ready for
> "prime time", we could then re-organise the sub-project names.

I don't like the idea of using a 'struts-' prefix, since it's not
meaningful. I do think that "tiles" is the right prime-time name. In
the meantime, I would suggest either using "tiles" inside the sandbox,
or "tiles-standalone" outside the sandbox. (I don't recall what we
decided about whether this is actually an accepted subproject already,
or a good idea that we expect to become an accepted subproject soon.
We should pick one of the above based on what we actually decided. ;)

> > Second, I'm not sure about packages. Right now, I've got
> > org.apache.tiles instead of the original org.apache.struts.tiles, but
> > of course, that will break existing code. OTOH, if I switch back to
> > the original package names, then we run the risk of clashing with the
> > Struts packages.
> I would also vote for "org.apache.tiles" - my guess it would be more
> platable to other frameworks if there isn't a "struts" in the name. It might
> make people think there was a struts dependency with "struts" in the package
> name. Also, if the consensus is to move out as a TLP in the future, then
> there wouldn't be a need to change package names at that point.

+1 for o.a.tiles. I'm not too terribly worried about breaking peoples'
code, since I suspect that the vast majority of people use Tiles
without coding to its API, in which case there is very little, if
anything, that will need updating if/when the package name changes.

Martin Cooper

> > Thoughts?
> >
> >
> > david
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