Don Brown wrote:

* No servlet dependency in core framework, portlet and JSF support out of the box

1. + Ajax, Jax-WS, Axis/DocLit... JDNC, XUL, .... for us lunies doing UI layer rendering on the client. There has to be a "process request" signature that lets us do all.
Ex: List process(Context)

2. I would also say... a big benfit would be a DAO interface. The famous populate().... or populate(Map) or my fave ArrayList populate(Map)
For the people that want to have a way to swap a Dao impl.

3. And to make it C# possible... all user exposed classes should be an interface (so that same interface could be reimplemented).
Ex: BeanActionApi x = new BeanActionImpl()
and put all Api into one package
So one could have
(an issue on ibatis is that 2 api are different).

4. JMX. To track requests, users, dao, etc.

I think it could help put all on same page.
How about this:
All "layers" should do
List execute(Context)
Contex ctx= {populate, selectCient, client=GM}
List populate(ctx) to dao, to get rows
List process(ctx) for "RPC", to return to rendering layer all known / needed info.

(Note how collections are a not too strongly typed)

that's all ;-)


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