On 8/2/05, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Key Features

>      * Pluggable EL for data binding defaulting to JSP 2.0 EL but
> allowing OGNL or even BeanUtils
> Design Goals

> Implementation
>      * Built on the backbone of commons-chain

  I wrote a patch for Chain a couple weeks ago that created support
for an EL.  It uses JSTL-EL by default and was designed with the idea
that it would be pluggable.  The patch is just sitting there, I don't
know what you are using for Struts-Ti, but it seems like if you are
going to add pluggable EL support and use chain it should be
consistent across the projects.  THe patch is not committed yet.  Joe
Germuska was going to look at it when he got back from vacation, but
he seems to have taken a LONG vacation.

The bugzilla ticket is here if you are interested.  


The patch is for CVS and not SVN, which I need to change, but haven't
gotten around to.

Excuse my "patch plugging", I just thought it might be useful to your work.


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