On 12/1/05, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In my opinion, it would be simpler to assign those tickets to the next
> major/minor release, forcing developers to assess when that milestone is
> on deck
> whether the ticket will actually get fixed in this one or moved further
> down.
> The problem with this "1.1 Family" is evident in Bugzilla where we have a
> bunch
> of tickets still assigned to the 1.2.x family.  I think these family
> categories
> are just corners where tickets go to hide and be forgotten.


Personally, I think even a "Future" or "TBD" milestone clouds the issue, but
> it
> would be a good compromise.  What I'm going for is tickets are only
> assigned to
> a milestone when someone steps up and says they'll fix them or the
> community
> agrees it is a requirement of the milestone.

What I'd like to see is that, when an issue is assigned to a milestone, it
means that someone has committed to make sure it gets into that milestone,
not that someone thinks it would be a good idea to get it into that
milestone but isn't stepping up to make that happen. If we abide by that,
then I think we can add an Unspecified (or New or Undecided) as an initial
default. Whether we need an additional value for "probably never", I'm not
really sure, but I tend to think that if we just have Unspecified, that
should be enough.

As for the "probably never" tickets, just sitting in Bugzilla not having a
> milestone will be enough to keep them from the casual project view
> (assuming we
> put in place a clean roadmap).
> In general, I think the most simple solution will be the one that lives
> the
> longest and brings the most clarity.


Martin Cooper

> Ted Husted wrote:
> > On 12/1/05, Niall Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>Did we agree anything on bugs which we don't want to allocate to a
> >>milestone - my preference is a "probably never" or "un-allocated"
> >>milestone - something we can query on. Personally I don't like "LATER"
> >>resolutions - IMO thats not a "resolution".
> >
> >
> > In my own project, we have a major release pseudo-release for issues
> > that we haven't allocated yet, and then true mliestone releases for
> > issues that'ave we have allocated, so the JIRA map looks like this:
> >
> > [Unreleased] 2.x ( Release Notes)
> > Progress:     [Unresolved Issues - 100% (4 issues)]
> >   0 of 4 issues have been resolved
> > New Feature (Story)   WNE-77  UNRESOLVED      A user by any other role
> > New Feature (Story)   WNE-76  UNRESOLVED      Attachments
> > New Feature (Story)   WNE-75  UNRESOLVED      Multiple comment
> > New Feature (Story)   WNE-44  UNRESOLVED      Optimistic locking
> >
> > [Unreleased]   2.0.16  ( 2005-Dec-13  | Release Notes)
> > Progress:     [Resolved Issues - 9% (1 issues)]       [Unresolved Issues
> -
> > 90% (10 issues)]
> >   1 of 11 issues have been resolved
> > New Feature (Story)   WNE-16  UNRESOLVED      Add Facility Mandate
> > New Feature (Story)   WNE-19  UNRESOLVED      Delete an Action and a
> Violation
> > New Feature (Story)   WNE-84  UNRESOLVED      Meeting Table
> > ....
> >
> > ----
> >
> > So, "2.x" is the "undecided" category for our 2.x release series.
> >
> > -Ted.
> >
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