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The following page has been changed by ongoing text:

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  What could be the problem with our encounter on a text?<br />It could be too 
fix; it could be exactly what we don&#8217;t want our project to become. 
Let&#8217;s avoid the division in Concept and Process and let&#8217;s edit it 
as a wave of thoughts between you and me. We already have so much in our 
interstice. Let&#8217;s just show it as a flux or a flow.<br />That&#8217;s the 
only way not to loose all the precious inputs we gave the project. We arrived 
from different ways and keep the diversity in order to enrich the organic 
structure and make our reciprocal activation not a simply death end.<br 
/>Let&#8217;s edit a text divided just by spaces and let&#8217;s forget the 
titles. Let&#8217;s edit a text that progress in all the interesting direction 
that we have already activated.<br />The text is an object and the medium of 
writing has implications on how we think and on how ideas are produced. In 
order to this the text is one of the objects produced but not the only or fi
 nal one. In order to develop what and how we think we have to find different 
approaches to every point we make. In this case the text is an ongoing 
dialogue, it is a process that not only goes forwards but also backwards, to 
the left and to the right, up and down and somewhere else. There will be 
questions and some answers, but also not fully expressed ideas. These aspects 
can continually be rewritten, completed or even erased
  <font size="4"> ]</font></p>

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