On Mar 21, 2006, at 1:56 PM, Don Brown wrote:

Wendy Smoak wrote:

Looking at the list again, struts-tiles is missing.  And I'm not sure
how Faces is going to fit in there, it has a different set of
dependencies than the others.  That will all sort itself out when you
start moving things around, though. :)

For Faces and Tiles, I put forth the same test for a subproject:
a) The subproject has its own distinct community that requires a new release cycle b) The subproject is relevant to more than one framework (optional, but encouraged)

I understood the Tiles omission to mean that you intended for it to remain a subproject. I would like for that to happen so it can be released independently from anything else. So I'm +1 on your original proposal and +1 on Tiles remaining a subproject.


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