Great, it sounds like there's an overlap of ideas here :-)

Fundamentally, my approach to JSF 2.0 is to continue the CoR patterns with the 
various application handlers, while sticking to the 5 phases of MVC, allowing 
other interceptors to provide intermediate processing within those 5 distinct 

Secondly, brining in the concept of a ProcessingContext into JSF such that 
stateful UIComponent requests are only one implementation of the 
ProcessingContext.  The idea of a ProcessingContext with JSF was originally 
brought up with JSF Avatar, such that a single view/tree could be processed in 
part or in whole, but the fact that the JSF API was tied to a UIViewRoot object 
somewhat limited the flexability here.

So, if we provide this facade that the controller/listeners/interceptors 
operate on, much like a WebWork ActionContext, then we can say that JSF and WW 
are both client implementations that coexist via CoR/interceptors within a 
single controller.

Martin brought up the need for the visitor pattern which could be used in 
conjunction with phaselisteners/interceptors to introduce additional 
processing.  Now, if we play heavy emphasis on composition within this new 
ProcessingContext facade, then controller participants can operate, via 
visitor, on a single node (only a WW Action) or a whole tree of them as with 
JSF.  From the 30,000 foot view, that's what JSF is-- a tree of coordinated 
Actions instead of a single node, much more powerful IMHO, but adds a bit more 

So again, at it's core for JSF 2.0, we refactor FacesContext to instead have a 
ProcessingContext (shorter name?) instead of a UIViewRoot.  The 
lifecycle/interceptors instead interrogate the ProcessingContext for alternate 
behavior while allowing those interceptors to pass a visitor to flexibly 
processing a whole composition of delegate concerns within the request.

Fundamentally, this is very similar to what we've done with the EL-API-- Seam, 
Shale, and Spring can all provide behavior from different contexts, coordinated 
by vistors in the form of ELResolvers which provides a *very* flexible way of 
mapping back to models within MVC.  Now lets do the same for MVC controllers.

-- Jacob

>Jacob Hookom wrote:
>> The NavigationHandler has that default behavior. But much like WebWork 
>> allows the pluggable ActionMapper, all parts of JSF are pluggable in 
>> that manner.  Seam and SWF are two examples of plugging in alternate 
>> logic for navigation handling.  So the emphasis is put on the API, not 
>> the implementation.
>I guess what I'm saying is the navigation is already the way we want it.  What 
>would reimplementing it as a 
>NavigationHandler bring to the table?
>> I've been trying to get everyone behind the EL-API.  The 'traditional' 
>> EL implementation provided in the spec is, again, only one 
>> implementation.  The JEXL implementation of the EL-API would be a piece 
>> of cake, OGNL wouldn't be that hard either if they would use JavaCC with 
>> the visitor=true when compiling the grammar.
>Ok, I was under the impression that the Unified EL was tightly coupled to the 
>implementation.  If the API is abstract 
>enough to handle different implementations such as OGNL, then this is good 
>news.  This might be the abstraction we were 
>looking for to ensure Action 2 isn't tied to one EL.  Of course, deciding to 
>implement the EL API by OGNL is one thing, 
>finding someone with the time and expertise to do it is another :)
>Do you know of an alternate implementation of the EL API and/or more 
>documentation about it?  In my research, everywhere 
>I saw it mentioned it didn't make the distinction, and comments, particularly 
>on TSS, seemed to indicate the features I 
>previously mentioned were explicitly rejected (method invocation, for 
>Ok, so we can walk away with saying we might be able to collaborate on the EL 
>API, provided someone steps up and ports 
>OGNL or an EL with a similar set of capabilities to it.  I'm still not 
>convinced implementing WebWork as a Lifecycle 
>implementation would bring any value for 95% of the applications, however, at 
>some point, I am planing on porting Struts 
>Faces to Action 2 for the edge case of a WebWork app that wants to take 
>advantage of JSF components, the real draw of 
>JSF IMO, for certain pages.  At which time, I'll look more into different 
>integration approaches like this one.
>I guess the bottom line I think our best bet is to focus on discrete problems 
>like EL, validation, annotations, etc. for 
>integration.  From a framework developer perspective, sharing APIs is 
>interesting, but not so for the end user, who 
>could probably care less.  I guess I'm trying to see what advantages this 
>would bring to the end user.  The one 
>capability of JSF that I'd like to use in an Action 2 application, as an end 
>user, is its stateful components, 
>particularly complex, out-of-the-box components.  I'd be interested to hear of 
>more capabilities an Action 2 developer 
>would get out of such a hybrid.
>This is a good discussion, and I hope it can continue and be a benefit to both 

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