On 4/17/06, Gabe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's telling that the lion's share of code related issues we've discussed so 
> far about Struts
> 2 on this list (Annotation driven actions, pluggability of expression 
> language, use of "dev
> mode", etc., etc.) are really issues that should be brought to the XWork 
> project and aren't
> really within the scope of what the Webwork project was. Thus,  if we don't 
> move over
> XWork, an important task would be to redefine that relationship.

And, IMHO, these are all issues that we should defer until after an
initial SAF 2.0.0 release is made available.

For now, I would suggest that we keep the focus on "phase 1" of the
plan, which was to release SAF 2.0.0  based on the WW 2.2.2 codebase
without making any unnecessary changes. Let's prove that we can move
WebWork over and make a release, before digging into XWork.

Once we have a 2.0.0 release "under our belt", then we can move
forward on "phase 2", where we continue improving and evolving the
codebase. If XWork would like to join the ASF, then the time to
contemplate that step would be during phase 2.

* http://wiki.apache.org/struts/StrutsTi

We don't need to do everything in "one fell swoop". We have all the
time we need, but it's important to retain project velocity so that we
can release early and release often.

I've just gotten back from teaching a four-day training course based
on the WebWork/Action2 version of the infamous Struts MailReader. The
course went well, and I'm finding that Struts Action 1 skills
translate well to WebWork 2.2.

It's true that to teach the whole framework, you do have to dip into
the XWork jar quite often, but whether the XWork jar comes from
OpenSymphony or ASF wouldn't make much difference. Like Jason, I would
be -1 on (re)integrating XWork and WebWork, since that would be a
slipperly slope. What we need to do most is clarify the boundary
between XWork and SAF, so that web developers can see how useful
separating concerns can be.


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