On 4/18/06, Bob Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No... but I do think we should shield Struts users from the XWork
> API/documentation as much as possible (i.e. a lot more than WebWork
> does). I _suppose_ it's nice that you can drop down to XWork and do
> non-web things, but I don't think we need to expose 99.9% of Struts
> users to this. For starters, we should have a struts.xml, not an
> xwork.xml.

I would tend to disagree. I feel that the separate of concerns between
XWork and a web application front end are important. I don't believe
it would be helpful to start lumping things back together again.

I would definately feel that this would be too big of a change for SAF
2.0.0. No matter how simple it sounds, there would be some detail that
created a showstopper, and then another, and August would turn into

I do think one problem is that our approach to referring to XWork in
the WW book and documentation is inconsistent. There is a tendency to
refer to everything as WebWork when it is not. Moving forward, I think
we simply need to be more carefult to say XWork when we mean XWork and
SAF when we mean SAF, and perhaps just refer to "the framework" when
we do not care to make the distinction.

> I think support for generics is a must. Struts 2.0.0 will require JDK
> 1.5, right? For example, getParameters() should return Map<String,
> String[]>.

No, Struts Action 2.0 will *not* require Java 1.5. I'm sure some
future release will increment the platform, but right now, most
everyone I know is using Java 1.4 in production. Action 2.0 is meant
to be something that we can all start using in production now.


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