The end goal is a standalone Tiles in the Jakarta Web Commons project (to be created), then Struts Action 1 would have a struts-tiles artifact which makes it possible for Struts users to use this standalone Tiles. Think of it how Struts Scripting works or Struts validator. In the meantime, we'd put the Struts Tiles project, which isn't standalone, back into Action until we can replace the core of it with a new dependency on the new Standalone Tiles.

Did I get that right? :)


Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
Doesn't that conflict with the idea of making Tiles a stand-alone TLP?


Don Brown wrote:
I'm fine with this solution, as long as my original concern of a circular dependency is resolved.


Wendy Smoak wrote:
On 4/23/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm in the same camp on this one.  I think we (SAF1) should be
providing a plugin that provides Tiles integration.

In that case, should Struts Tiles be put back under Struts Action?


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