On 4/25/06, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, April 25, 2006 2:22 pm, Paul Speed said:
> >
> >
> > Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> You are of course right about this.  But, much like taking the ideas
> >> about
> >> inventory control and order processing and such from Dell and starting
> >> your own business is possible, the likelihood that you would get
> >> anything
> >> but a small fraction of the attention and business that Dell gets is
> >> slim
> >> to none.
> >
> > Not to sidle in where I don't really belong but perhaps this last
> > sentence exemplifies the disconnect with "getting it"?  If one wanted to
> > take the code from an apache project and do something else with it then
> > all they care about is the something else they want to do.  It isn't
> > really a "business"... the code exists for the code's sake.
> You aren't chiming in where you don't belong... if your interested, you
> belong, at least as far as I'm concerned :)
> I think there is definitely something to your point, and the analogy may
> have been a bit flawed.  However...
> I don't think it is accurate to think that ego doesn't play a part in just
> about everything that just about everyone does.  We all want to see our
> work benefit others.  For most of us I believe its because we genuinely
> like the feeling we get when someone writes us and says "hey, your code
> really helped me, thank you!".  I know speaking for myself, it makes my
> day when I get those eMails!  Part of it is simply the ego stroke of
> someone essentially saying your work is worth something, but I don't
> believe that is the big factor for most people.  I know it isn't for me,
> and I don't think it is for the Struts team.  I think the thank you note
> means as much to them as it does me.
> If you agree with that, then the idea of forking the code and doing it
> with the belief that you aren't going to reach a wide audience because the
> Apache version continues to be what people go to, is not appealing.  In
> that regard, if we substitute ego for money in the analogy, I think it
> still works (although just saying ego is dangerous because as I tried to
> illustrate above, I think there is good ego and bad ego).
> > I'm not a committer but I've been following this list and the tomcat dev
> > list since the last millennium... I think before there even was a struts
> > 1.0.  I can't speak in an official capacity, I can't even pretend, but
> > here is my take on the "apache way".
> Isn't kind of interesting that there can be more than one "take" on it
> though?
> > For an open source project to exist you need code.  All of apache
> > projects seem to exist to benefit the code... and by extension the
> > documentation.  Though, even without documentation you still have the
> > code.  All of the other stuff is extraneous or the life support system
> > depending on how you look at it.  I think most of the "apache way" is
> > partially considering it to be extraneous... in a "if the code goes sour
> > and you have nothing" sort of way.  It's definitely symbiotic but
> > without the code, you have nothing.  You might as well be chatting on
> > myspace.com.
> Hehe, considering some of the recent threads around here, posting on
> myspace.com might actually be safer! :-) LOL
> > So, the only reason to be a committer is to contribute to the
> > codebase... and all other committers have to live with each other.  The
> > only reason to be able to cast a binding vote is if you have a stake in
> > the code... ie: are a committer.
> This is where I'm not sure I agree... why can you only have a stake in the
> code, or in the community even, if you are a committer?  And certainly the
> "community" is often touted as the most important part of any ASF
> project... it's just that "community" in that context means the committers
> only, which is where I disagree with the Apache Way I guess.

No, that's not correct. The community is, as you put it earlier, "anyone who
has an active interest in how the project develops". So you actually agree
with the Apache Way. ;-)

Martin Cooper

Simply putting code out there and sharing your work is great, but going
> back to a point I made some weeks ago, I beleive there is a responsibility
> that comes along with it when you do that.  Whether they should or not,
> people become dependent on the project... not in a cocaine kind of way of
> course, but they are "counting on you" basically.  That to me implies
> taking into consideration their needs and wants.  Not above your own of
> course, but to some degree.
> > Bottom line: if a person isn't contributing to code and documentation in
> > a way that the other committers are comfortable with then that person
> > shouldn't be a committer on the project.  There is no other reason for
> > being a committer.
> This I absolutely agree with, and it was the reason my proposal didn't try
> to change that.  I would NEVER propose that the PMC not have the final say
> in who is invited.  It just to me seems right for that to be the case.
> But, I still see nothing wrong with being able to say "hey, PMC, we think
> this guy or gal would be a good addition, please consider him".
> > My personal (and probably unneeded) opinion on the original subject:
> >
> >  From my perspective, nominations don't matter so much... as I recall
> > someone could nominate themselves.  If that person hasn't been
> > contributing code then there is no reason to think they will become a
> > committer.
> That is correct.  I frankly was not aware that someone could do that, Ted
> pointed it out to me.  As I replied previously, that indeed covers the
> first principle of my proposal.  I always prefer things like that be more
> concrete, i.e., rules layed out in document form, but even failing that I
> think the principle is followed, so I'm happy.
> > It would be nice if the process were a little more transparent as it
> > would be interesting to know who was proposed, accepted, rejected, etc.
> > even if we didn't know why.  (Though, even counter to that it was nice
> > to know that someone who contributed to another apache project and
> > stomped all over my contributed implementation because they didn't
> > bother to patch to head was at least a controversial nomination.  But
> > that's sort of personal and isolated reason for wanting to see the dirty
> > laundry.)
> I still have the concerns about people being embarassed by this.  However,
> I think the idea of a nominee accepting the nomination first is a fair
> idea.  Putting aside the original proposal, how would that simple change,
> along with opening the vote process discussion for all to see, sit with
> everyone?
> > I guess I have trouble seeing how things could be improved much by your
> > proposal... especially since I understood there to be nothing wrong with
> > nominations coming from anywhere.  It was just explained to be easier
> > with a committer's support.  I don't follow this list too closely, so
> > maybe I missed someone who has been contributing lots of stuff and still
> > was overlooked.
> Agreed, once Ted explained that point to me, the proposal isn't quite as
> strong as I thought at first.  I still think there is the issue of
> transparency that could do with further discussion, but it seems the
> nomination part of it is, more or less, already present.  Codifying it
> would be nice, but I can live with it not being written anywhere.
> Thanks for commenting, you are always welcome as far as I'm concerned :)
> > -Paul
> Frank
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