+1 for Struts 2.0


On 6/28/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

With the departure of Struts Shale, I think it is time we return to the
idea of
Struts as a single, unified framework.  While I had hoped we could do this
including Shale, everyone involved felt Shale deserved its own project and
I'm adjusting my original Struts 2.0 proposal to simply rename Struts
Action as

The ramifications of such a renaming up for discussion:
  1. Struts Action 1.3 becomes Struts 1.3 and Struts Action 2.0 becomes
Struts 2.0
  2. We rename the https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/struts/actionsubversion
directory as https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/struts/framework, keep the
top level directories the same
  3. The org.apache.struts.action2 package becomes org.apache.struts2
  4. action.* and struts-action.* configuration files become struts.*
  5. The SAF acronym in the documentation would return to Struts

Given all the product naming changes in the last few years (much of which
was my
fault, I admit), I'd like to have these changes decided on soon, so we can
on to getting Struts 2.0 out the door.


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