On 6/28/06, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The key I think is making it clear that 2.x really is something new

Yes, if you look at the Migration Guide

* http://struts.apache.org/struts-action2/docs/Migration%20Guide.html

three of the four strategies involve either leaving S1 code alone or
reworking it for S2.

In my own experience, the rework is mild and mainly involves
substituting this for that or leaving something out altogether
(because it isn't needed any more).

I've set aside July to work on nothing but wrapping up a Struts 2.0.0
distribution and addressing migration issues. Migration is a key
concern to me, because, like everyone else, I've a lot of S1 knowhow
that I want to apply to S2.  Happily, I am finding that S1 experience
does translate directly to S2.

To help keep migration on the front-burner, in addition to the free
online resources, I'm also holding a live five-day migration workshop
in mid-August, and I put in for a two-day migration tutorial for
ApacheCon in October (if they accept it).)

In terms of aplication test-cases, aside from the usual suspects, a
friend of mine has a model-one scriptlet-based application that he
would like to make open source and migrate to S2.

* http://sectionxsports.com/

The problem domain is providing Sports information about youth sports
teams. Should make for an interesting "example" application. :)


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