Heh, what about Struts?  That might work?  And, then, like the rest of the
world, you could have versions like 1.* and 2.*, and 3.*.  Oh, that was the
proposal which the newly knighted can't seem to stomach.  Too rational.

On 6/28/06, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am very much against naming 1.x "Classic" . I think it's a horrible
name. I think of classical music, classic cars, and anything that smells of
belonging in a museum (stationary, old, idle, doesn't move, better looked at
than used). Why do we need it? I am totally fond of action and action2. Why
does having the departure of Shale instigate nomenclature madness? :-)
Struts Action Framework is actually a very professional title and I prefer
we keep it as is.

Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On 6/28/06, Michael
Jouravlev  wrote:
> Also, hoping not to hijaack this thread I would suggest coming up with
> codenames for 1.x and 2.x codebases.

If we were to do that, the obvious choices would be Classic for 1.x
and Action for 2.x.


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