> On 8/2/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Patrick and I talked about doing that, however, we
> came up against several
> > roadblocks:
> >
> >   1. How would you handle nested packages?  For
> example: /foo/bar/joe?
> Do we need to handle nested packages?


> >   2. How would you handle action methods?
> In the scope of convention over configuraion, I'd
> suggest that we
> don't utilize multiple action methods. I'm coming to
> the conclusion
> that multiple aliases on an action is not a good
> practice, much like
> chaining actions is not a good practice.

I can't imagine how many actions we'd have in this case... CRUD actions, in 
particular, merge 4 or 5 action configurations into one class. Per domain model 

> If we adopt the perspective that one-method per
> action is the
> cannonical norm, then everything falls into place.
> The key trouble
> with one-method per action is it increases the number
> of similar
> action mappings to maintain. But between wildcards,
> an extends
> feature, and annotations, that problem goes away.

Not the number of mappings, the number of classes. Plus, it gets us back to 
having to have everything have an execute() method, and you lose the ability to 
call any class, like you can now.

> >   3. The case might not always match
> Hmmm, I thought the whole idea behind convention over
> configruation is
> that we *make* these things match because they are
> *suppose* to match.

this is true... we should establish the convention and stick with it.

> I'd agree that supporting all fancy alternatives is
> not a good idea.
> The goal should be to solve use cases, not cater to
> every whim about
> what should be upper or lower case.
> People who want to fine-tune this sort of thing can
> use configuration
> over convention. Convention over configuration should
> be for people
> who are actually willing to follow a convention.
> And, if we use wildcards to define a default
> convention, there would
> be nothing preventing someone from defining another
> wildcard
> convention, suitable to specific needs.

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