All of these discussions go back to all the troubles brought to Struts by
somewhat inane and uninformed attempts to integrate two competing ways to
code web apps with JSF advocates.  JSF and Struts are not compatible.  They
are wholly different philosophies and JSF has nothing to offer Struts
without chaning the whole nature of the web framework.  JSF was built to
compete with .NET and is built for web tools.  Struts is built for
developers who know how to code a bit and are not that interested in tool
support other than an IDE.

As Waring says, he does not know Struts that well.  JSF ideas should go over
to JSF sites.  Are we going to have to see this all happen again.  Are there
never any lessons learned around here?

On 8/7/06, Chris Waring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Don Brown-2 wrote:
>> 3) Should we add the capability to configure the JSF application, phase
>> listeners, etc. from within the Struts config?  How far do we go with
>> this?
>> I'm not sure that we would want to allow navigation, validation, and
>> like to be configured using the Struts config?
> I'd say no for now, but if we move to a more extensible XSD-based XML
> format later on, it might be interesting to combine them.

What about just adding a couple of paramaters to the FacesSetupInterceptor
for the heavily used things like VariableResolver, MessageBundle,
ViewHandler and maybe ActionListener (although I don't think many people
change this one)?

The config might look something like this:
     <interceptor-ref name="jsfApplicationSetup">
                <param name="actionListener"></param>
                <param name="defaultRenderKitId"></param>
                <param name="localeConfig"></param>
                <param name="messageBundle"></param>
                <param name="navigationHandler"></param>
                <param name="propertyResolver"></param>
                <param name="stateManager"></param>
                <param name="variableResolver"></param>

The FacesSetupInterceptor Code could then check the parameter variables to
see that they are not null, create the requested class and set the class
the JSF application object using the appropriate setter.


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