Looks like the memory problem is still around. I can't seem to build the 2.0.7 branch. I get a few hundred test failures and a OutOfMemory error. Not sure where this happens, but somewhere around the org.apache.struts2.views.jsp.ui.ResetTest.

Anyone else having issues with the tag?


Brian Pontarelli wrote:

Yeah, same thing. It looks like the PackageConfiguration is null out of the Configuration Object.

I'm attempting to grab 2.0.7 tag and compile it and step into the codebehind with the debugger. However, the SubVersion repository is failing every few hundred files, so it is taking an enormous amount of time.


Dave Newton wrote:
--- Brian Pontarelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just out of curiosity does it still break if it's a
package w/o underscores?


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