Well, not all of them are verified, but it is better if they are reported
first on the list, as some times it is a duplicated issue, and then we have
to go and find the original one, and, we are lazy :)

thanks for reporting

On 6/6/07, Jan Hornbøll Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dave Newton skrev:
>>> Actually, both issues should have been reported on the mailing list
>>> first, so they could be verified to be bugs or just 'you being
>>> stupid'. If you're not sure if it's a user mistake or a genuine bug,
>>> then it's a good indication you should ask on the user list before
>>> submitting it as a bug or problem.
>> Which mailing list are you refering to? This one or
>> struts user?
> Er, user. It's also a way of discovering if the
> functionality in question is a known issue and has
> already been submitted or possibly even fixed.
Ok  will do that in the future. I gather from this that issues in Jira
are considdered verified bugs and the next thing that would normally
happen is that they'd be assigned to someone. Is that correct?

Jan H. Hansen

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"Hey you! Would you help me to carry the stone?" Pink Floyd

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