On 6/6/07, Jan Hornbøll Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Which mailing list are you refering to? This one or struts user? I am
pretty sure these are genuine bugs, my humble nature just prohibits me
from making bold claims without leaving room for the possibility of me
being wrong.

From our perspective, filing an issue in JIRA is a "bolder" claim than
posting the same message to the user list. (Of course, no one is
offended. We are glad you are taking the time to participate!)

More people follow the mailing list than the dev list or JIRA tickets.
Posting to the user list first provides the opportunity for other
users to find a usage error, or to confirm that it is problem, perhaps
one that other people have found and have already reported.

The title and content of the tickets is fine for the user list, and we
would suggest that you repost the same material there.

To answer the initial question, the time varies, which is another good
reason to post to the user list first!


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