You should ask this on the commons user list:

...but the reason is because you have used the wrong names for keys in
your Map - the first character should be lower case (so "properyA" and
"propertyB") - this is the java beans spec

If you change the key names then it works.


On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 8:27 AM, Giovanni Azua <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi,
>  Sorry for the of-topic but given that BeanUtils is heavily used in
>  Struts, can anyone suggest why this test does not pass neither in 1.7
>  nor 1.8? alternative way using BeanUtils? I had to end up implementing
>  my own Reflection-based copyProperties ...
>  //------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     public void
>     testCopyProperties()
>     throws Exception
>     {
>         class SomeBean
>         {
>  //----------------------------------------------------------------
>             public final double
>             getPropertyA()
>             {
>                 return thePropertyA;
>             }
>  //----------------------------------------------------------------
>             public final void
>             setPropertyA(double aPropertyA)
>             {
>                 thePropertyA = aPropertyA;
>             }
>  //----------------------------------------------------------------
>             public final double
>             getPropertyB()
>             {
>                 return thePropertyB;
>             }
>  //----------------------------------------------------------------
>             public final void
>             setPropertyB(double aPropertyB)
>             {
>                 thePropertyB = aPropertyB;
>             }
>  //----------------------------------------------------------------
>             /** (non-Javadoc)
>              * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
>              */
>             @Override
>             public String
>             toString()
>             {
>                 return "(" + getPropertyA() + ", " + getPropertyB() + ")";
>             }
>  //----------------------------------------------------------------
>             // members
>  //----------------------------------------------------------------
>             private double thePropertyA = 0;
>             private double thePropertyB = 0;
>         }
>         Object myBean = new SomeBean();
>         String myExpected = "(1.0, 1.0)";
>         Map<String, Object> myMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
>         myMap.put("PropertyA", 1.0);
>         myMap.put("PropertyB", 1.0);
>         BeanUtilsBean.getInstance().copyProperties(myBean, myMap);
>         assertEquals("BeanUtilsBean.copyProperties did not work as
>  expected",
>             myExpected, myBean.toString());
>     }
>  TIA,
>  regards,
>  Giovanni
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