It is already available and has FreeMarker support, though I haven't tested it yet.


On Mar 24, 2008, at 1:37 PM, Brian Pontarelli wrote:

BTW, some of the JetBrains folks said that FreeMarker support will be in 8 and should be available in EAP soon! This will definitely help move me farther away from JSPs. :)


Jeromy Evans wrote:
Jonathan Revusky wrote:

Thanks for the detailed argument Jonathon.
Jeromy Evans wrote:
Niall Pemberton wrote:
I just saw the following comment

"FreeMarker is very similar to Velocity, as both are template
languages that can be used outside of a Servlet container. The
framework utilizes FreeMarker because FreeMarker has better error
reporting. However, both are good alternatives to JSP."

I've questioned that a few times myself. The paragraph doesn't do FreeMarker much justice from a technical sense, but then again, most Struts 2 users won't exploit the features FreeMarker offers above Velocity,

What is your basis for thinking this? It's clear enough from the freemarker-user list that people do use advanced features of the tool that are not in Velocity. I just don't see offhand why the usage patterns of people using FreeMarker in conjunction with Struts 2 would be particularly different from users in general.

Though, the other thing is that, even if the assertion were true, I don't know how you would know it was... it seems like a seat of the pants conjecture...

The basis of my conjecture is that Struts 2 provides little support for FreeMarker's more advanced features, so most users won't exploit those features.

The model provided to FreeMarker is a map containing the request, response, ValueStack and a few other basic structures, where access to the ValueStack (Struts2's core model) is limited to Struts2 tags to in order to access OGNL. I don't know the history, but it appears the FreeMarkerResult[1] was designed to be equivalent to the Velocity implementation rather than to exploit FreeMarker features. Similarly, although the Struts 2 tags use FreeMarker templates, the model is limited and the templates don't encourage what I think you'd consider to be best-practice.

My conjecture still stands, that "as built", most Struts 2 users won't exploit FreeMaker's better features. That's not meant as a criticism of FreeMarker.
Take a quick look at the source:


FreeMarker is technically superior in (almost?) every way, but not always appropriate.

I have heard this before, but I cannot conceive of a usage scenario in which Velocity would be indicated over FreeMarker. In terms of JSP, that has the obvious advantages associated with being a standard, greater tool support, more people out there who already know it. That said, there are plenty of people who prefer FreeMarker. The reasons vary, but I think they just find that it's a a lot cleaner... conceptually, I guess. As for things like JRuby or Groovy results, I think that is something so different that a direct comparison with FreeMarker or Velocity doesn't make much sense.

I agree with most of your statements but there are many cases where technically superiority does not mean it is the most appropriate solution. Perhaps you have the good fortune of only working with experienced java developers and don't have to trade-off development costs, but the learning curve, familiarly with the syntax and tools support are issues that do exist and are impediments to the take-up and cost-of-development with FreeMarker.
We should link to/provide something that helps users decide what best suits their circumstances,

Anything you link to would be just somebody else's opinion. There is no reason that you could not offer your own opinion. I'd infer that you don't want to point out there that a fellow ASF project is abjectly inferior, so, okay, you provide a link where some 3rd party says it, but you know.... ;-)

I'm not sure if biases exist like that; the PMC would have to comment. I've never noticed anything like that, especially with Struts2's heavy dependency an opensymphony projects and the project's core dependency on FreeMarker. I'm expressing a personal opinion, which was that FreeMarker is technically superior but not always appropriate. I personally would rarely choose Velocity, but I also can't recommend FreeMarker with a broad-stroke.

including the argument for and against JSP. I don't think there will ever consensus to recommend one.

I think that in terms of FreeMarker vs. Velocity, there is a pretty strong consensus among technically informed people in favor of FreeMarker. As for JSP or other things, like XSLT maybe, or Groovy or JRuby, they aren't directly comparable in the same way that FreeMarker and Velocity are.

They're comparable within the context of Struts 2 at alternative approaches to implement the action or result. My point was to encourage Struts 2 users to consider the most appropriate solution instead of focusing on a particular technology.

At the same time it may be useful to compare these to why a JRuby- based or Grails-based action/result may be more suitable. Blog anyone?

Well, again, you're bringing in things that aren't directly comparable in the way that FreeMarker and Velocity are. And that was the topic at hand. Limited to those two things, the case for FreeMarker is just devastating, I think. It is not an objective source obviously, but I think the following covers the points:

And it's not unfair to link it, I suppose, because if the Velocity people cared to write a rebuttal, they have the right to, and you could link that as well. That blog article contains links to some other blog articles detailing a switch from Velocity to FreeMarker.

Of course, you could say that the above ones are cherry picked to support the case for FreeMarker. But actually, go look for similar blog articles about a move in the opposite direction. You'll come up empty handed, I dare say.

Oh, and as for FreeMarker vs. JSP, Jive Software, whose flagship product is built on Webwork 2 and FreeMarker, switched from JSP to FreeMarker. Here is some discussion by the Jive developers on that.

Note the last point Bruce made there on our mailing list: "It's powerful enough for our needs -- velocity didn't have the features we required." This does seem to contradict the idea that Struts 2 users would not need the extra power that FreeMarker offers. Just one data point admittedly, but it tells you something.

Well, 'nuff said, I guess. In some private conversation, one of my collaborators on FreeMarker pointed to the quote above on your site about FreeMarker vs. Velocity and, you know, basically said that it was highly annoying... there's a strong sense out there (right or wrong) that something like this is an example of you bending over backwards to be charitable to a fellow ASF project. I had seen that page before and that was my impression as well. I dunno... Do what you want, but I don't think you're doing anybody any favors by holding back on telling the unvarnished truth about this kind of thing. I don't think that it's even a favor to the Velocity community, though, you know, if some of the blogs I have linked never shook them out of their complacency, I don't know what would... :-)

Jonathon, you're preaching to the converted. I think most Java developers that have used FreeMarker prefer it to the alternatives for the reasons you've mentioned. The technical argument was won long ago. The next battle is that of wide-spread IDE support and easing the learning curve for the JSP-focused kids still coming out of uni. Struts 2 has to face similar battles as other frameworks exist that are cheaper to use or provide better features in any aspect examined in isolation. I understand your sensitivity to FreeMarker vs Velocity debates but in this case all posts were pro- FreeMarker and all caveats were on non-technical basis.

I'll make sure the dismissive comparison of FreeMarker vs Velocity is updated as per my original post, including your links to the "unvarnished truth".. Also if you have suggestions for Struts 2 to better utilize FreeMarker it would be helpful to continue to provide feedback as I'm certain it's not utilized well.

Jeromy Evans

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