Paul Benedict wrote:
Dojo 0.4.3 is old :-) I didn't know that. No one wants to move it to 1.x or
wherever they are now?


Many have tried. In general, the effort doesn't justify the result. ie. you put a lot of effort writing new templates and tags that predominately wrap and constrain dojo's own markup. This result is tags for widgets less capable than using dojo markup directly. The benefit is a user can use <s:tabbedPanel> instead of <div dojoType="TabContainer">, but if they use the latter they can receive all the support of the dojo user community.

It's difficult to justify the effort for a sub-optimal solution that's going to generate more support questions: eg. how to I select a tab a button press, how to i change colour of tabs, why can't i nest tabs, why won't the back button remember the content of the last tab, etc, etc, etc,

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