
On Sun, Dec 27, 2009 at 11:00 AM, Martin Cooper <> wrote:
> Okay. It was just an idea for how the community can add commentary to
> our content without any of us having to do anything. The community
> could still choose to use it, of course - it's more a question of
> whether or not we promote it and take feedback from it.

MySQL's documentation also has comments section. Likewise, I agree
that SideWiki could supplant our documentation. I am for trying it if
Apache will allow it. Do they have any policy against mash-ups that
they can't control?

> That said, though, if that's where your itch lies, you are of course
> welcome to scratch it. :-)

I would like to do both. Migrate to Confluence for S1 and make both
S1/S2 use SideWiki.


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