> > Yes, we could use Onyx's interface mechanism, but I think SLF4j's is
> > probably more stable and definitely more supported.  So I'd probably
> > recommend that we extract the SLF4j support object and use it directly 
> > at least make it the default).  If it's something that you're 
> > in, I'd have to fill out the forms to become a committer on Struts. 
> > would I find that information?
> I'm not sure if this the right move, switching to SLF4j over our
> custom solution. Please can we explore this topic a bit?

Here are my 2 cent about logging:

Recently it seems to be a best practice for libraries to depent on slf4j.

The advanced expressions of Onyx remind me of OGNL. It would feel more 
"struts style" if expressions could be used for logging.

As long as the application can choose the logging impl, and struts 
messages are appearing, I don't care what api struts uses.
I'm also fine with the current struts logging wrapper.


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