Christoph, I don't think the problem is in using SLF4J in itself. The
problem is it's not appropriate to switch logging frameworks in a patch
release. Adding a dependency is going to cause major upgrade headaches --
especially logging dependencies. If anything is done, this will be on the
2.5 or 3.0 radar.


On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 2:46 AM, Christoph Nenning <> wrote:

> > > Yes, we could use Onyx's interface mechanism, but I think SLF4j's is
> > > probably more stable and definitely more supported.  So I'd probably
> > > recommend that we extract the SLF4j support object and use it directly
> (or
> > > at least make it the default).  If it's something that you're
> interested
> > > in, I'd have to fill out the forms to become a committer on Struts.
> Where
> > > would I find that information?
> >
> > I'm not sure if this the right move, switching to SLF4j over our
> > custom solution. Please can we explore this topic a bit?
> >
> Here are my 2 cent about logging:
> Recently it seems to be a best practice for libraries to depent on slf4j.
> The advanced expressions of Onyx remind me of OGNL. It would feel more
> "struts style" if expressions could be used for logging.
> As long as the application can choose the logging impl, and struts
> messages are appearing, I don't care what api struts uses.
> I'm also fine with the current struts logging wrapper.
> Regards,
> Christoph
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