Looks like Mark is correct.


On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 6:52 AM, Mark Phippard <markp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think the problem is with Neon.  We get this error:
> Linking...
>   Creating library
> ..\..\..\Release\subversion\libsvn_ra\libsvn_ra-1.lib and object
> ..\..\..\Release\subversion\libsvn_ra\libsvn_ra-1.exp
> libneon.lib(ne_socket.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
> _inet_aton referenced in function _ne_iaddr_parse
> ..\..\..\Release\subversion\libsvn_ra\libsvn_ra-1.dll : fatal error
> LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
> You are including 0.29.0 When I step it back to 0.28.3 it works.
> On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 9:28 AM, Hyrum K. Wright
> <hyrum_wri...@mail.utexas.edu> wrote:
>> Joe,
>> Would it be possible for you to describe the differences between the 
>> versions in the two deps tarballs?  I think part of the problem was that 
>> when I lost my box a few weeks ago, I also lost the magic combination of 
>> deps versions, so just used the most recent versions from the rolling 
>> scripts to construct the 1.6.8 deps.  If you can detail the difference 
>> between the two, that'd be useful.
>> -Hyrum
>> On Jan 12, 2010, at 10:52 PM, Joe Swatosh wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Hyrum K. Wright
>>> <hyrum_wri...@mail.utexas.edu> wrote:
>>>> After pulling 1.6.7 due to a segfault regression, we've rerolled the 
>>>> branch as Subversion 1.6.8.  The magic revision is r898464, and you can 
>>>> find the tarballs here:
>>>> http://orac.ece.utexas.edu/pub/svn/1.6.8/
>>>> Please be sure to test the bindings.
>>>> You know the drill: signatures from full committers back to me, and 
>>>> enthusiastic tester feedback is welcome. At this point, this candidate is 
>>>> not yet blessed for wide release, so please don't make it available to 
>>>> people not interested in test-driving the new release.
>>>> Distro package maintainers, please do NOT include any pre-release builds, 
>>>> even blessed, into operating system distros.  The reasons for not doing so 
>>>> were very eloquently outlined by Karl in a mail, which is summarized at 
>>>> the above address.
>>>> The quick version is: we don't guarantee compatibility between the 
>>>> pre-releases and the final release, so if people install the release 
>>>> candidate, all their repositories and working copies might break 
>>>> irreparably when they upgrade to 1.6.8 proper.   We don't want that kind 
>>>> of bad publicity, and neither do you.
>>> Built and passed when I used the 1.6.1 deps file.
>>> Link failure when using the 1.6.8 deps file:
>>> --------------------Configuration: libsvn_ra_dll - Win32
>>> Release--------------------
>>> Performing Custom Build Step on ..\..\..\build\generator\extractor.py
>>> Compiling resources...
>>> Compiling...
>>> empty.c
>>> Linking...
>>>   Creating library
>>> ..\..\..\Release\subversion\libsvn_ra/libsvn_ra-1.lib and object
>>> ..\..\..\Release\subversion\libsvn_ra/libsvn_ra-1.exp
>>> libneon.lib(ne_socket.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
>>> _inet_aton
>>> ..\..\..\Release\subversion\libsvn_ra\libsvn_ra-1.dll : fatal error
>>> LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
>>> Error executing link.exe.
>>> __SWIG_RUBY__ - 2 error(s), 51 warning(s)
>>> rake aborted!
>>> Command failed with status (2): 
>>> [C:\Users\joe-swatosh\Documents\SVN/BuildSc...]
>>> MS windows vista
>>> MSVC6 sp6
>>> Feb 2003 SDK
>>> Ruby 1.8.6
>>> --
>>> Joe
> --
> Thanks
> Mark Phippard
> http://markphip.blogspot.com/

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