On Jan 14, 2010, at 6:33 AM, Mark Phippard wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 11:19 AM, Hyrum K. Wright
> <hyrum_wri...@mail.utexas.edu> wrote:
>> Given this feedback, and the fact that it's a patch release with supposed 
>> minimal changes between releases, I agree we should
>> step back to Neon 0.28.3.  I've rerolled the tarballs and replaced them at 
>> the download site with the new deps tarballs.
> I just read this more closely and fear I have led you astray.  I only
> used Neon 0.28.3 because that happened to be the version I had sitting
> in an old working copy (I had just deleted all of the old deps zip
> files before starting the tests).  However, there have been security
> fixes in Neon since that release, so we should include the latest
> version - 0.28.7 (or 0.29.3).  I suspect that is the version we would
> have included with 1.6.6, but maybe not.

Turns out I updated the script, but didn't bother to re-run it.  Gah.

> Can't we just copy/rename the 1.6.6 deps tarballs?

I don't see a problem with this.  We can even borrow the signatures from those 
files, yes?

> Are we (thankfully in my opinion) going to drop the deps tarballs when
> we start releasing at ASF?

I don't know the party line on this, but I certainly hope it is the case.


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