It certainly isn't supposed to force all test runs to be interactive :-(

Have you tried removing SVN_USE_WIN32_CRASHHANDLER from

Johan Corveleyn wrote on Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 02:42:11 +0100:
> Hi,
> Already for some time now, 58 (XFAIL: update a
> nonexistent child of a copied dir) crashes on my machine:
>     svn: In file '..\..\..\subversion\libsvn_wc\update_editor.c' line
> 4877: assertion failed (repos_root != NULL && repos_uuid != NULL)
> I understand that this test is XFAIL, that this isn't addressed yet,
> but is it supposed to fail an assert?
> On my system (Win XP) this causes an ugly popup to appear (which I
> need to click away to continue), each time I run the full test suite
> ("This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an
> unusual way...")
> Relevant excerpt from tests.log in attachment (this was with trunk@1062600).
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Johan

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