On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 5:53 AM, Daniel Shahaf <d...@daniel.shahaf.name> wrote:
> Johan Corveleyn wrote on Tue, Feb 01, 2011 at 13:28:24 +0100:
>> So: I've tried removing SVN_USE_WIN32_CRASHHANDLER from gen_win.py
>> (put it in comment, ran "nmake config" and rebuilt everything), then
>> ran update_tests.py again: same result. It still crashes, and shows
>> the ugly blocking popup.
> I don't use Windows as my day-to-day OS any more, but I suppose it'll be
> a good idea to adhere to my old promise to commit that Makefile once it
> has seen some testing :-).  Johan, could you do that?  Or send it to me
> and I'll do it.

Hi Daniel,

Yes, great idea. This could definitely help get other people working
on Windows interested in svn development (it helped me getting
started). Here is the Makefile I'm currently using, but I don't think
it's ready to be committed right away, with my local paths in it and
all, and lots of custom tweaks to make it work for my needs.

If I have some time, I'll try to clean it up a little. But right now,
attaching it to this mail is all I can do :-).

Some changes I made to the original you sent me (from memory):
- Fiddled around with the dependencies, until they worked for me.
- Added Programs\diff, Programs\diff3 and Programs\diff4 to the "all1"
and "all2" targets, because I needed them (for the diff-opitimizations
testing). Added corresponding copy statement in the package target.

Maybe other things, but I don't remember (right now, I'm just copying
this Makefile around if I need to build a new branch that I checked
out (only need to change the paths in the beginning of the file)).


> Belatedly,
> Daniel
> (as sibling to stsp's tools/dev/unix-build/ I suggest)
>> Anyone else who recently built trunk on Windows seeing this, when
>> running update_tests.py?
>> --
>> Johan

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