Johan Corveleyn wrote on Tue, Feb 01, 2011 at 13:28:24 +0100:
> So: I've tried removing SVN_USE_WIN32_CRASHHANDLER from
> (put it in comment, ran "nmake config" and rebuilt everything), then
> ran again: same result. It still crashes, and shows
> the ugly blocking popup.

I don't use Windows as my day-to-day OS any more, but I suppose it'll be
a good idea to adhere to my old promise to commit that Makefile once it
has seen some testing :-).  Johan, could you do that?  Or send it to me
and I'll do it.


(as sibling to stsp's tools/dev/unix-build/ I suggest)

> Anyone else who recently built trunk on Windows seeing this, when
> running
> -- 
> Johan

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