On Sat, Feb 04, 2017 at 04:53:46PM +0000, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> I wrote the following in a thread on private@, but the issue need not be
> discussed confidentially:
> Daniel Shahaf wrote on Fri, Feb 03, 2017 at 18:05:27 +0000:
> > I've noticed that some threads don't happen.
> > 
> > Examples:
> > 
> > - stefan2 solicited reviews of his authz branch.  None happened.
> > 
> > - SVN-4670 was filed with a trivial patch.  Nothing happened.
> > 
> > What worries me isn't the reduced activity — that's to be expected — but
> > the complete *lack* of activity around these and other threads.  That
> > activity level is lower than I would expect, even taking into account
> > that we're now mostly volunteer-run.
> Cheers,
> Daniel

Well, I suppose people simply have their priorities.

You may have gotten used to a level of activity which was made possible
by several full-time employment positions with a lot of creative freedom.
Nowadays, as far as I know, we're all volunteers, with paid development
being a rare exception. I don't think this is a real problem. It's simply
what happens when people have less time to spend on this project, and
when those who get funding can't choose to do whatever they want but get
funded for specific things (as was the case with funding I got for working
on the conflict resolver, for example -- which BTW is over since Jan 31st).

What we can do is keep asking each other for help, and take all the help
we can get :)

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