On 6 Feb 2017, at 3:58, Stefan Sperling wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 05, 2017 at 07:21:21PM +0000, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
>> Stefan Sperling wrote on Sat, Feb 04, 2017 at 20:03:36 +0100:
>>> You may have gotten used to a level of activity which was made
>>> possible by several full-time employment positions [...]
>> Just to be clear, I wasn't comparing our activity level of today
>> to our activity level a few years ago; I was comparing our activity
>> level of today to other volunteer-run projects.
> Which other projects? At this point, any other project with more
> than 5 very active developers is way beyond our ballpark.

You also have to look at those volunteers in those projects.  For
awhile I was quite active contributing to FreeBSD, but that's at
least partially because RPI was willing to pay my salary for
improvements to lpr/lpd.  They weren't paying me to work *on*
FreeBSD, but I could improve lpr/lpd on RPI's time (because RPI
depends a lot on those programs), and then do all the "contribute
to FreeBSD" work on my own time.

(note that RPI doesn't use FreeBSD in any production services,
but I was building FreeBSD's lpr/lpd on other platforms, and
then adding extra features to that)

So this project would be helped if there were companies who found
there was some significant feature that they needed in subversion,
even though they aren't paying anyone *to* work on it.  So there
may be less activity in subversion simply because it's "good
enough" for what most companies use it for.

Garance Alistair Drosehn                =     dro...@rpi.edu
Senior Systems Programmer               or   g...@freebsd.org
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute;             Troy, NY;  USA

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