On 2/5/2017 20:55, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> Stefan Kueng wrote on Sun, Feb 05, 2017 at 15:28:25 +0100:
>> On 05.02.2017 12:21, Andreas Stieger wrote:
>>> On 04/02/17 17:13, Stefan Kueng wrote:
>>>> [...]I'm wondering about the translations of those strings.
>>> Several points on this:
>>> #1 Working with Pootle works well, both ways. There is just a bit of a
>>> coordination effort. That coordination needs to be figured out more
>>> urgently than the actual tool.
>>> #2 Help output in UI strings.
>>> This is A LOT of insane frustrating work. Every time the help output of
>>> a command changes even a little bit, the complete string needs to be
>>> re-checked. It needs to be adjusted for spacing and justification. And
>>> at that point you really need to walk the svn code history to adjust the
>>> translation, there is no way to get a stable community of translators on
>>> that level.
>> What does that have to do with my suggestion of using a web based tool or
>> otherwise make it easier for translators?
> You identified a problem (translations don't happen) and suggested that
> changing the translators workflow would fix it.  Andreas identified
> a frustrating aspect of the translation workflow that would not be
> addressed by moving to Transifex or Pootle or whatnot.  That's perfectly
> on topic to your underlying concern.
> That is: perhaps what stops people from translating is the set of
> strings we give them, rather than the format we present them those
> strings in.
FWIW: I agree with Stefan here. Atm it looks like it's quite a challenge
for someone stepping by to contribute a simple translation fix. In all
projects I'm aware of where translations get good quality directly from
volunteers, the major point is: accessibility for anybody to contribute
easily to the translation without much work and a very low learning curve.

The only way projects achieved this to my knowledge is to provide some
straight forward, simple and easy to use (preferably even without the
requirement of registration) web front end.

I fully agree also with Andreas that this is causing kind of problems
for things like layouts, but I'd also argue that going the step and
provide easier means to contribute to translations via a web front-end
should be done first, and then we can further improve upon that.


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